STWS Home Module Home  Colon: Case #2 Print

Primary Site Cecum
Physical Exam


Findings: Anemia, episode of dizziness and blurred vision.

Abdomen: Large, non-tender, somewhat movable mass in the right lower quadrant

X-Rays & Scans


BE: 3 x 7 cm mass arising from lateral aspect of cecum which is considered to be carcinoma.
Scopes   None


Operative Findings


Right colectomy: Large tumor occupying the entire cecum and the distal 2-3 cm of the ileum. Invading lateral peritoneum and retroperitoneal space posterior to cecum. Rt. lobe of liver not palpated, left lobe free of tumor.
Pathological Reports


Gross: Right colon.

Micro: Ulcerated poorly diff. adenoca of cecum showing transmural extension into serosal adipose tissue. Extension into adjacent ileum, infiltration of lymphatics and mets to 1/4 mesenteric and 4/18 mesocolic LNs.

Treatment 10/05/XX Surgery: Right colectomy.
10/20/XX Chemotheropy: Began FOLFOX4 (oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, leucovorin)

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