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  • The Laboratory of Population Genetics (LPG) utilizes genetic analysis to gain insight into human biologic processes. Until recently, genetic dissection of phenotypes had been largely limited to investigations in experimental organisms. The dawn of the post-genome era presents the opportunity to extend these investigations to humans. It is the major goal of this laboratory to exploit emerging resources and technology in order to understand the genetic basis of the complex phenotypes related to human cancer. The program focuses on both the development of the resources and methods necessary to achieve these goals, as well as the application of the methods in characterizing the molecular genetic epidemiology of disease. The LPG is organized around three inter-related areas: Human Genetic Mapping, Genetic Phenotype Dissection, and Experimental Organism Genetics.

    Directory, Administrative Information, Joint Project ...
    Buetow Lab
    The Buetow lab develops and exploits genetic, genomic, and bioinformatic approaches to understand complex cancer phenotypes.
    Hunter Lab
    The Hunter lab characterizes genetic modifiers of cancer, including those that modulate breast cancer initiation, tumor growth and metastasis.
    Jen Lab
    The Jen lab studies the genetic basis and molecular biology of lung cancer.
    Lee Lab
    The Lee lab uses genomic and bioinformatic approaches to study cancer genetics and epigenetics.
    Struewing Lab
    The Struewing lab studies the molecular epidemiology of breast and ovarian cancer, with an emphasis on genetic variation in DNA repair genes.

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