Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Protein Structure Initiative

Better Tools and Better Knowledge for Structural Genomics

Joint Meeting of the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Advisory Committee and the PSI Research Center Principal Investigators (PIs) 

Time: December 2, 2003

Place: Natcher Conference Center, NIH

Purpose of the workshop: At this annual meeting, participants will discuss PSI progress over the last year and plan for the coming year. Following reports from the nine PSI centers on progress toward the goals of the pilot phase of the PSI, the issues of target selection strategies and appropriate project milestones will be discussed.

Participation: The PIs of the nine NIGMS supported PSI research centers, the PSI Advisory Committee members, and the NIGMS program staff are the principal participants. A limited number of seats will be reserved for observers on a first-come-first-served basis.

For further information, please contact Dr. John Norvell at (301) 594-0533 or e-mail




PSI Annual Meeting Report -- summary of the joint meeting

Planning for the Protein Structure Initiative -- Presentation by Dr. John Norvell, NIGMS
HTML Version  |  PowerPoint Slides

Funding Mechanisms -- Presentation by Dr. James Cassatt, NIGMS
HTML Version  |  PowerPoint Slides

To obtain electronic copies of these and other presentations made at the Dec. 2 PSI meeting, contact Dr. Charles Edmonds at (301) 594-0828 or via e-mail at



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Last reviewed: April 1, 2005

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