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Respiratory Anatomy



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Title: Respiratory Anatomy
Description: Respiratory anatomy; drawing shows right lung with upper, middle, and lower lobes; left lung with upper and lower lobes; and the trachea, bronchi, lymph nodes, and diaphragm. Inset shows bronchioles, alveoli, artery, and vein.

Anatomy of the respiratory system, showing the trachea and both lungs and their lobes and airways. Lymph nodes and the diaphragm are also shown. Oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and passes through the thin membranes of the alveoli and into the bloodstream (see inset).
Subjects (names):
Topics/Categories: Anatomy -- Lungs
Anatomy -- Respiratory System
Type: Color drawing
Source: National Cancer Institute
Author: Terese Winslow (artist)
AV Number: CDR466533
Date Created: March 11, 2008
Date Added: 9/2/2008
Reuse Restrictions: Yes - This image is copyright protected. Any use of this image is subject to prevailing copyright laws. U.S. Government has reuse rights. Please contact the rights holder of this image for permission requests.

Rights holder: Terese Winslow

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National Cancer Institute Dept of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health