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Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee
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January 27, 2009
Congressman Zach Wamp discussed concerns with the Democrat economic stimulus proposal on CNN Newsroom. During the interview he said, “We need investment more than spending, and that’s really what the problem is. At the local and state level, we see governments cutting their budget to get through, the family budget at home is being cut to get through hard times, yet Washington is spending more money than you can even imagine. Only about 10 percent of it is going to be productive and create jobs, the rest is just a transfer of wealth. Japan is an example of how you can’t borrow your way out of debt or spend your way into prosperity. We're in a real mess right now with too much government, but nobody is talking about streamlining to get through, they’re just spending more money. The debt and the deficit are huge long-term problems that are going to make the recession longer.”

January 22, 2009
Congressman Wamp was invited to appear on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal for an interview with Susan Swain about the economic stimulus bill and to answer viewer questions. “The vast majority of this economic stimulus bill is social spending and includes many things that will not stimulate the economy,” Zach said. “According to the Congressional Budget Office, 90 percent of the items in the bill will not be helpful until 2010 or after. I want to work with the new President, but this bill is much more than what he requested.”

The C-SPAN interview can be seen in two parts: part I, part II

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