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NRC Research Associateship Program – Joint NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where are NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Program research opportunities located?
A: These fellowships are available in the research laboratories at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD as well as at off-campus locations in Baltimore (NIDA and NIA) and Frederick (NCI), MD and Research Triangle Park, NC (NIEHS). Trainees in the NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Program administered by the National Research Council divide their time between an NIH laboratory and a laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD or Boulder, CO.

Q: How do I apply for an NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral position?
A: Applications are submitted on-line. The page on the Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) web site describing the NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Research Associateship Program contains links to both listings of currently available positions and the on-line application.

Q: If I do not have access to the Internet, how can I apply?
A: You can visit your local library to access the Web or you may call (800) 445-8283 for guidance.

Q: Can I submit a paper application?
A: The NRC is not equipped to process paper applications. If this poses a problem for you, you can contact the NRC by phone at (202) 334-2760.

Q: Is there a deadline for submission of applications?
A: There is only one receipt date for applications for the NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Program, August 1.

Q: Whom should I ask to write my letters of recommendation? What should I ask them to write?
A: You should request letters from individuals who can best evaluate your scientific accomplishments and your potential for successfully completing postdoctoral training. It is generally expected that you will request a letter from your dissertation advisor. It would make sense for the letters to be tailored for the position you are seeking. It is likely that the principal investigator will be looking for someone who is motivated, responsible, capable, bright, and creative and who works well with others. Also, some people just have "good hands"—i.e., their experiments always work; such individuals are worth their weight in gold. Your letters of recommendation need to convince the PI that you are just such a highly capable person. A good way for your references to do this is to include stories or descriptions of incidents that demonstrate both that you possess desirable qualities and that they know you well.

Q: What instructions should I give those who will be completing my Reference Forms?
A: Applicants are responsible for submitting hard-copies of support documents (transcripts and Reference Forms) to the NRC Associateship Programs Office. Please ask four referees who have direct knowledge of your scientific interests, abilities, and accomplishments to complete your Reference Forms and return them to you in sealed envelopes. You can then forward them to the NRC.

Q: How are NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Associateships different from other postdoctoral opportunities at the NIH?
A: Applications for NRC Associateships include a research proposal that is the original work of the applicant and relates to one of the specific research opportunities listed for the NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Program. The applications are reviewed and ranked by a national panel of experts. This contrasts with most other postdoctoral programs in which obtaining a position is the result of a one-on-one negotiation between an investigator and the potential trainee. Since they are competitive, NRC Associateships are more prestigious than other NIH postdoctoral awards. In addition, they generally carry a higher stipend. NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Associateships are also unique in that each trainee has two mentors, one at NIST and the other at the NIH. The Associate spends about half of his/her time in each of the two laboratories.

Q: Do I need to establish a relationship with NIH and NIST Advisers who participate in the NRC program prior to submitting my application?
A: This is an absolute requirement. To be eligible for consideration, an application must be approved by a pair of Advisers listed on the NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Program web site, by the Scientific Director of the NIH Adviser’s Institute or Center, and by the Laboratory Program Representative for the NIH. In addition, the proposal must also be approved by the NIST Laboratory Program Representative. This approval guarantees that support facilities for the project will be available, if the proposal does well in the review process. Clearly, you will need to begin discussions with the laboratories in which you would like to train well in advance of the deadline for proposal submission.

Q: How can I find out about NIH and NIST Advisers who are doing research in areas that interest me?
A: The page on the OITE web site describing the NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Program contains a link to the listing of the NIH and NIST laboratories that participate in the program and brief descriptions of the research conducted in those laboratories.

Q: What is intramural research?
A: Intramural research is research carried out in the laboratories of the NIH. In contrast, NIH extramural research is research that is funded by the NIH but is carried out in universities, research institutes, or corporate laboratories.

Q: How will I know if my application is complete? How can I update my application or check to see whether my letters of recommendation have been received?
A: Upon initiating the application process you will be asked to select a password. You will be able to return to your application as often as required to complete or update it. Once you have submitted your application, you can use the same password to check on the status of receipt of your support documents.

Q: How are applications reviewed?
A: Evaluations of applications for this program are conducted by the National Research Council using panels of scientists convened for this purpose. Panelists are chosen to review applications on the basis of their stature and experience in relevant fields of science and engineering. Their evaluations form the basis upon which awards are made on behalf of the NIH. Laboratories in the NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Program can accept only trainees whose proposals have been recommended for funding by the NRC review panel.

Q: How will I be notified if I am selected?
A: Official awards are made by the National Research Council, not by NIST, the NIH, or its Office of Intramural Training and Education. You will be notified by mail by the NRC.

Q: How can I determine the status of my application?
A: You will be notified of the status of your application approximately eight weeks after the submission deadline.

Q: Can an NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Associateship be used for research training outside the NIH?
A: No. This award provides support for training experiences in the intramural research programs at the NIH and NIST; it cannot be used for other purposes.

Q: Are citizens of countries other than the United States eligible to apply for NRC NIH (NIBIB)/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Associateships?
A: This program is open to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens.

Q: Is housing provided by the NIH, NIST, or the NRC?
A: Housing for postdoctoral trainees is not provided. Fellows are responsible for finding their own housing. Information on housing alternatives can be found at

Q: Is health insurance provided?
A: A group health insurance program, which provides coverage for major medical expenses, is available to all trainees and their dependents. The cost of this program is shared by the trainee and the sponsoring agency. If the Associateship Programs Office receives your insurance application within 30 days of the beginning of your tenure, insurance coverage for your dependents will be provided without physical examination. Coverage begins on your official starting date and ends on the last day of the month in which official tenure ends. Worker’s compensation-type insurance is also provided.

Q: How will I be paid?
A: Postdoctoral trainees receive monthly stipend checks from the NRC. Trainees are paid at the end of the month for work completed during the month. Taxes are not withheld. Income is reported by the NRC to the IRS on IRS Form 1099 at the end of the year. Trainees should plan ahead for the taxes that they will be required to pay and may need to pay quarterly Estimated Taxes throughout the year to avoid penalties.

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Page last revised on September 2, 2008 (sva)