Anti-phospho-MEK1 - Summary: S218,S222,S298,T286,T292,T386

Alternate Names
  • Anti-phospho-MEK1
  • Anti-phospho-MKK1
Phosphorylation Sites Antibodies
Site Name Alt Res Names Local Sequence MPR Site ID Refs Antibody Name (Cat#) Co. Polyclonal (species) OR Mono. (isotype; clone)
S218 S217 QLIDpSMANS 121 1 Anti-MEK1/2 (Ser218,222) (p180-21822) Anti-MEK1/2 (Ser218,222) Phosphosolutions P (Rabbit)
Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) (05-747) Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) Millipore M (IgG; )
Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) (07-461) Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) Millipore P (Rabbit)
MEK1 [pSpS218/222]/ MEK2 [pSpS222/226] (44-454G) MEK1 [pSpS218/222]/ MEK2 [pSpS222/226] Invitrogen P (Rabbit)
MEK1 Phospho (pS218/222) (1470-1) MEK1 Phospho (pS218/222) Epitomics M (IgG; E237)
p-MEK-1/2 (Ser 218/Ser 222) (sc-7995) p-MEK-1/2 (Ser 218/Ser 222) Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Goat)
Phospho-MEK1/2 (Ser217/221) Antibody (9121) Phospho-MEK1/2 (Ser217/221) Antibody Cell Signaling Technology P (Rabbit)
S222 S221, S221 SMANpSFVGT 122 1 Anti-MEK1/2 (Ser218,222) (p180-21822) Anti-MEK1/2 (Ser218,222) Phosphosolutions P (Rabbit)
Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) (05-747) Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) Millipore M (IgG; )
Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) (07-461) Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222)/MEK2 (Ser222/226) Millipore P (Rabbit)
MEK1 [pSpS218/222]/ MEK2 [pSpS222/226] (44-454G) MEK1 [pSpS218/222]/ MEK2 [pSpS222/226] Invitrogen P (Rabbit)
MEK1 Phospho (pS218/222) (1470-1) MEK1 Phospho (pS218/222) Epitomics M (IgG; E237)
MEK1&2 [pS222] (44-452) MEK1&2 [pS222] Invitrogen P (Rabbit)
p-MEK-1/2 (Ser 218/Ser 222) (sc-7995) p-MEK-1/2 (Ser 218/Ser 222) Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Goat)
Phospho-MEK1/2 (Ser217/221) Antibody (9121) Phospho-MEK1/2 (Ser217/221) Antibody Cell Signaling Technology P (Rabbit)
T286 DAAEpTPPRP 575 Phospho-MEK1 (Thr286) Antibody (9127) Phospho-MEK1 (Thr286) Antibody Cell Signaling Technology P (Rabbit)
T292 PRPRpTPGRP 621 Anti-MEK1 (Thr292) (p180-292) Anti-MEK1 (Thr292) Phosphosolutions P (Rabbit)
MEK1 [pT292] (44-458G) MEK1 [pT292] Invitrogen P (Rabbit)
S298 GRPLpSSYGM 380 MEK1 (pS298) (558375) MEK1 (pS298) BD Pharmingen M (IgG1; J114-64)
Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser298) (07-339) Anti-phospho-MEK1 (Ser298) Millipore P (Rabbit)
MEK1 [pS298] (44-460G) MEK1 [pS298] Invitrogen P (Rabbit)
p-MEK-1 (Ser 298)-R (sc-30635-R) p-MEK-1 (Ser 298)-R Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Rabbit)
Phospho-MEK1 (Ser298) Antibody (9128) Phospho-MEK1 (Ser298) Antibody Cell Signaling Technology P (Rabbit)
T386 NQPSpTPTHA 622 Anti-MEK1 (Thr386) (p180-386) Anti-MEK1 (Thr386) Phosphosolutions P (Rabbit)
MEK1 [pT386] (44-462G) MEK1 [pT386] Invitrogen P (Rabbit)


  1. Zheng CF, Guan KL. 1994. Activation of MEK family kinases requires phosphorylation of two conserved Ser/Thr residues. EMBO J 13:1123-1131 (Abstract) [site(s): S218,S222]