Anti-phospho-PRK1 - Summary: T774

Alternate Names
  • Anti-phospho-Protein kinase C-related kinase-1
  • Anti-phospho-PRK1
  • Anti-phospho-protein kinase N
  • Anti-phospho-PKN
  • Anti-phospho-PKNalpha
Phosphorylation Sites Antibodies
Site Name Alt Res Names Local Sequence MPR Site ID Refs Antibody Name (Cat#) Co. Polyclonal (species) OR Mono. (isotype; clone)
T774 DRTSpTFCGT 195 1, 2, 3 PRK1 (pT774) / PRK2 (pT816) (558399) PRK1 (pT774) / PRK2 (pT816) BD Pharmingen M (IgG1; I85-1151)
Anti-Phospho-PRK2 (pan-PDK1 phosphorylation site) (07-153) Anti-Phospho-PRK2 (pan-PDK1 phosphorylation site) Millipore P (Sheep)
Phospho-PRK1 (Thr778)/PRK2 (Thr816) Antibody (2611) Phospho-PRK1 (Thr778)/PRK2 (Thr816) Antibody Cell Signaling Technology P (Rabbit)


  1. Dong LQ, Landa LR, Wick MJ, Zhu L, Mukai H, Ono Y, Liu F. 2000. Phosphorylation of protein kinase N by phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 mediates insulin signals to the actin cytoskeleton. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97:5089-5094 (Abstract) [site(s): T774]
  2. Flynn P, Mellor H, Casamassima A, Parker PJ. 2000. Rho GTPase control of protein kinase C-related protein kinase activation by 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase. J Biol Chem 275:11064-11070 (Abstract) [site(s): T774]
  3. Gampel A, Parker PJ, Mellor H. 1999. Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor traffic by the small GTPase rhoB. Curr Biol 9:955-958 (Abstract) [site(s): T774]