Anti-phospho-MYPT1 - Summary: S695,S903,T696,T853

Alternate Names
  • Anti-phospho-myosin-binding subunit of myosin phosphatase
  • Anti-phospho-MBS of myosin phosphatase
  • Anti-phospho-MYPT1
  • Anti-phospho-M110
Phosphorylation Sites Antibodies
Site Name Alt Res Names Local Sequence MPR Site ID Refs Antibody Name (Cat#) Co. Polyclonal (species) OR Mono. (isotype; clone)
S695 QSRRpSTQGV 984 p-MYPT1 (Ser 695)-R (sc-33360-R) p-MYPT1 (Ser 695)-R Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Rabbit)
T696 SRRSpTQGVT 699 Anti-phospho-MYPT1 (Thr696) (07-251) Anti-phospho-MYPT1 (Thr696) Millipore P (Rabbit)
p-MYPT (Thr 696) (sc-17556) p-MYPT (Thr 696) Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Goat)
T853 KRRSpTGVSF 830 Anti-phospho-MYPT1 (Thr850) (36-003) Anti-phospho-MYPT1 (Thr850) Millipore P (Rabbit)
p-MYPT1 (Thr 853) (sc-17432) p-MYPT1 (Thr 853) Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Goat)
S903 DRYDpSLLGR 985 p-MYPT1 (Ser 903) (sc-17557) p-MYPT1 (Ser 903) Santa Cruz Biotechnologies P (Goat)

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