Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Application Receipt Dates

The dates for receipt of applications requesting NIH support are established by the NIH Center for Scientific Review and specified in the program announcements. All such applications must be submitted directly to the Center for Scientific Review and must be postmarked by the following dates:

January 2, May 1, and September 1: AIDS-related grants.

January 10: Ruth L. Kirschstein institutional postdoctoral National Research Service Awards. For more information on this receipt date, see

January 10, May 10, and September 10: Ruth L. Kirschstein institutional predoctoral National Research Service Awards. For more information on these receipt dates, see

January 10 and May 10: Minority Access to Research Careers Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (T34) Awards.

January 10 and September 10: MARC Ancillary Training Activities (T36). For more information on these new receipt dates, see

January 25, May 25, and September 25: Academic Research Enhancement Awards.

February 1: Minority Biomedical Research Support Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity grants.

February 1, June 1, and October 1: Research center grants, program project grants, and Minority Biomedical Research Support grants, both new and renewal, except for Initiative for Minority Student Development grants; all new research grants, including Exploratory Studies for High Risk/High Impact Research; Research Career Development Awards; and MORE Faculty Development Awards.

March 1, July 1, and November 1: Competing continuation and supplemental research grants (except center, MBRS, and program project grants); revised research grants; and revised Research Career Development Awards.

April 1, August 1, and December 1: Small Business Innovation Research grants and Small Business Technology Transfer grants.

April 5, August 5, and December 5: Individual National Research Service Awards.

April 5 and December 5: MARC Faculty Senior Fellowships and MARC Faculty Predoctoral Fellowships.

April 15, August 15, and December 15: NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings grants

May 1 and November 15: Individual Predoctoral Fellowship Awards for Minority Students and Predoctoral Fellowship Awards for Students with Disabilities.

May 14 and November 14: Bridges to the Baccalaureate Degree grants and Bridges to the Doctoral Degree grants.

October 1: Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards.

October 20: Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP).

The earliest possible award dates for regular research grants will be approximately 9 months after the application receipt date. Applications received too late for one cycle of review will be held for the next. For a description of the review process, see

NOTE: Unlike other grant applications, individual NRSA applications are not reviewed by the National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council, but are reviewed by the NIGMS Fellowship Overview Group. The starting date for these grants may therefore occur as early as 6 months after the application is received.


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Last reviewed: November 26, 2003

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