Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Minority Recruitment & Retention Strategies

This Web site resulted from the NIGMS Workshop on Achieving Scientific Excellence through Diversity, held in May 2001. It is intended to serve as a resource for NIGMS-funded training grant program directors in their efforts to improve representation of minorities in their training programs. This site includes a report of the workshop, which includes many ideas for improving minority recruitment and retention, a list of resources to aid in this effort, and examples of NIGMS-funded training programs that have had increasing success in their minority recruitment and retention efforts. Comments and suggestions can be sent to an online feedback form or to NIGMS staff who administer training grant programs.

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Related Links

Dates are now available for the 2005 SACNAS and ABRCNS meetings! Click on the dates below for more information.

SACNAS: September 29-October 2, 2005, Denver, CO

ABRCMS: November 2005, Atlanta, GA, Hyatt Regency Atlanta

Essay on Minority Recruitment


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Last reviewed: August 17, 2005

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