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Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

New Funding Opportunity

September 30, 2003 -- NIH has just released a funding announcement for NIH National Centers for Biomedical Computing. This announcement will support the establishment of an initial group of National Centers to provide for algorithmic and software development and dissemination, and development of computational infrastructure and training for the entire biomedical research community. At about the time that the results of the first year’s competition for the Centers are announced, it is planned that a second announcement will be released for investigator-initiated projects to work in collaboration with the Centers. The investigator-initiated projects will play a role as biological problem drivers and as contributors to the computational technology being developed, curated, and disseminated by the Centers. This effort is part of the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology initiatives in the new NIH Roadmap for Medical Research.

The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology supports research and research training in areas that join biology with the computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, and physics. Toward this end, the center develops and manages programs in computational biology, such as the generation of mathematical models of biological networks, the development of modeling and simulation tools, the conduct of basic theoretical studies related to network organization and dynamic processes, and the development of methods for the analysis and dissemination of computational models. The center also defines the Institute's needs for database development and applications, and it collaborates with other NIH components and Federal agencies in developing policies in this area. Other center activities include the support of multidisciplinary collaborations and of workshops, courses, and specialized meetings.

The center oversees NIH's Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI) through its management of the BISTI Consortium (BISTIC). The goal of this initiative is to make optimal use of computer science and technology to address problems in biology and medicine. BISTIC is composed of senior-level representatives from the NIH institutes and centers and representatives of other Federal agencies concerned with bioinformatics and computer-based applications. (More information about BISTI and BISTIC can be found on the NIH Bioinformatics Web Site.)

Research areas NIGMS supports within this division and contact names are listed on the Contacts by Research Area page.

For more information about the NIGMS Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, contact:

Dr. John Whitmarsh
Acting Director, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institutes of Health
45 Center Drive MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
(301) 451-6446

Related Links

Leader in Computational Biology Is First Director of NIGMS Center
News Release, May 21, 2003

NSF-NIH Joint Math Symposium: Feb. 12-13, 2003
· Announcement
· Web Site
· Report (PDF)

Computational Biology
Nature Insight, Nov. 14, 2002

From Molecules to Medicines: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

NIGMS Creates Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
News Release, May 21, 2001


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