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Minority Biomedical Research Support

MBRS Initiative for Minority Student Development (IMSD) Program
Supplemental Instructions for Form PHS 2590

(For Noncompeting Continuation Grant Applications)

General Information

The Application for Continuation of a Public Health Service (PHS) Grant (Form PHS 2590, Rev 5/01) and the instructions thereto will be used for a noncompeting continuation of an MBRS Initiative for Minority Student Development (IMSD) grant. The original and two copies of the completed application should be mailed to:

Grants Management Assistant
MBRS Program
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH
45 Center Drive, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200

Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process (SNAP)

Although the MBRS programs are not fully included in expanded authorities, MBRS grantees are expected to follow the Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process (SNAP) for submitting noncompeting applications. Under SNAP, the Grants Management Officer negotiates the direct costs for the entire competitive segment at the time of the competing award. This eliminates the need for annual budget submissions and negotiations and reduces the information NIH requires to review and approve noncompeting continuation applications and to monitor these awards. As a result, for awards under SNAP, grantees are required to submit only limited portions of the PHS 2590, including an annual progress report. Grantees are also required to submit a quarterly Federal Cash Transactions Report (FCTR) (SF-272) to the Payment Management System. For further information or clarification, please refer to the instructions in Form PHS 2590 (Rev 5/01), the NIH Grants Policy Statement, the MBRS IMSD Program Policy Statement, or contact the Grants Specialist responsible for your award.


The instructions for completing Form PHS 2590 should be followed except where modified below. The MBRS IMSD noncompeting continuation grant application should be structured in the following order:

I. Face Page
II. Detailed Summary Budget for Next Budget Period
III. Summary Progress Report
A. Overall Summary Progress Report
B. Development of MBRS IMSD Students
IV. Checklist
V. Personnel Report

Specific Instructions

I. Face Page

Use a computer generated pre-printed copy of face page. If a pre-printed copy is not provided, or extensive corrections are necessary, use Page 1 following the instructions in the Form PHS 2590 booklet. The review group is MPRC-B if a pre-printed face page is not used.

II. Detailed Summary Budget for Next Budget Period (Use Form PHS 2590, Page 2)

As discussed at the beginning of this document under SNAP, it is no longer necessary to submit budgets with noncompeting (type 5) applications. There are exceptions, however, and program directors are encouraged to contact their grants management official for further information. Generally, updated budgets should be submitted if there has been a rebudgeting of 25 percent or greater of the administrative or project costs.

III. Summary Progress Report (Use Form PHS 2590, Page 5)

The information listed in the format below should be included, but should not limit inclusion of any other information that describes the accomplishments of the program.

A. Overall Summary Progress Report

  1. Narrative Description (Use Form PHS 2590, Page 5)

    1. Briefly describe the overall goals and specific objectives of your IMSD program.
    2. For each specific objective (and for each developmental activity), indicate the actual progress made (quantitative change).
    3. In light of your assessment of the results of this past year, what changes will be made, if any, in the next year?

  2. Program Highlights
    Describe two or three major accomplishments that resulted from research activities supported in whole or in part by MBRS IMSD student support during this reporting period. Accomplishments should be described in terms of their contribution to new knowledge and their significance to actual or potential improvement of the understanding biological and/or behavioral phenomena. Explain how MBRS support contributed to each accomplishment. Include any significant honors and awards to students.
  3. Programmatic Data
    Using the sample formats attached to these instructions or similar formats, summarize the requested data on minority graduates (Sample Formats 1-4 as applicable to your program may be used. Note that information on all students in the relevant departments must be included).

B. Development of MBRS IMSD Students (One page per activity)

Briefly describe selected specific educational activities for student development and comment on their effectiveness. Indicate how participation in these activities has served to develop the biomedical research capability of MBRS students. Emphasize the types of research skills acquired and whether presentations and/or publications have resulted. List the national scientific meetings that the students attended, identifying the place and dates of meetings. Describe future plans for the students who will be graduating. Do not include non-MBRS students.

Publications and presentations (see Sample Format 5) by MBRS IMSD supported students should be clearly separated into three categories: full manuscripts, books, or book chapters published or in press (do not include abstracts here); manuscripts submitted; and presentations at scientific meetings (include abstracts in this category). For presentations listing more than one author, the name of the presenter should be underlined. IMSD student participants should be identified on the publications and presentations by placing an asterisk (*) after his/her name. One reprint of each publication should be submitted.

IV. Checklist (Use Form PHS 2590, Page 6)

Follow the instructions on Pages 9-16 of Form PHS 2590 for completing the checklist.

V. Personnel Report (Use Form PHS 2590, Page 7)

Student names should be listed as current personnel. Under the column "Annual Percent Effort" indicate the dates of employment (i.e., 9/1/93 to 8/31/94).

Sample Format 1

MBRS Science Graduates Table

Grant Number: R25 GM______________
Institution: _____________ Budget Period: From ____ To ____
or school*
Number to
graduate school
Number to medical,
dental,or professional
African American        
Hispanic American        
Native American1        
Other underrepresented minority2        
African American        
Hispanic American        
Native American1        
Other underrepresented minority2        
African American        
Hispanic American        
Native American1        
Other underrepresented minority2        

*Enter data for each participating department/school (e.g. Public Health, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Math, and Behavioral Sciences) separately.
1Include under Native American, Alaska Natives and natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands.
2Include under other underrepresented minority, any other categories that the institution has determined to be underrepresented.

Do NOT limit data to students receiving MBRS support.

Provide numbers for the previous grant year only.

Sample Format 2

MBRS Science Graduates Table
Graduate Students

Grant Number: R25 GM______________  Budget Period:  From ____ To ____
Institution: ____________
or school*
with Ph.D.'s
Number to
Post Doc
Number to
medical, dental,
or other
Number to
Number of
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            

*Enter data for each participating department/school (e.g., Public Health, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Math, Behavioral Sciences) separately.
1Include under Native American, Alaska Natives and natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands.
2Include under other underrepresented minority, any other categories that the Institution has determined to be underrepresented.

Do NOT limit numbers to students receiving MBRS support.

Provide numbers for the previous grant year only.

Sample Format 3

MBRS Science Graduates Table
Postdoctoral Students

Grant Number: R25 GM______________  Budget Period:  From ____ To ____
Institution: ____________
or school*
Post Docs
employed in department
completing term
Number to
Post Doc
Number to
medical, dental,
or other
Number to
Number of
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            

*Enter data for each participating department/school (e.g., Public Health, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Math, Behavioral Sciences) separately.
1Include under Native American, Alaska Natives and natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands.
2Include under other underrepresented minority, any other categories that the Institution has determined to be underrepresented.

Do NOT limit numbers to students receiving MBRS support.

Provide numbers for the previous grant year only.

Sample Format 4

MBRS Science Graduates Table
Medical, Dental, Veterinary Students

Grant Number: R25 GM______________  Budget Period:  From ____ To ____
Institution: ____________
or school*
Medical, dental,
veterinary student research
assistants employed
completing degrees
Number to
Post Doc
Number to
medical, dental,
or other internships
Number to
Number of
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            
African American            
Hispanic American            
Native American1            
Other underrepresented minority2            

*Enter data for each participating department/school (e.g., Public Health, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Math, Behavioral Sciences) separately.
1Include under Native American, Alaska Natives and natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands.
2Include under other underrepresented minority, any other categories that the Institution has determined to be underrepresented.

Do NOT limit numbers to students receiving MBRS support.

Provide numbers for the previous grant year only.

Sample Format 5

NIGMS MBRS IMSD Student Publications/Presentations
Grant Number: S__ GM_______________ Period: From ____To ____
Number of
_________ Papers published or in press co-authored by IMSD students
_________ Manuscripts submitted (co-authored by IMSD students)
_________ Presentations by students

Author(s), Title of Article, Journal, Volume, Pages, Year Published (1,2,3).









1Names of authors should be listed as they appear on the publication.
2Place an asterisk: (a) after the name of each MBRS student participantand (b) at the end of the citation if NIGMS/MBRS support was acknowledged.
3For each presentation, underline the name of the presenter.


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Last reviewed: June 14, 2000

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