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Bridges to the Future Programs

Supplemental Instructions for Form PHS 2590

General Information

Your noncompeting renewal application is due 2 months prior to your renewal date. NIH will not send out reminders that the noncompeting renewal application is due.

The application for a continuation grant (PHS 2590, revised 5/01) is available at

The original and two copies of the completed application should be mailed to:

Application Receipt Office
45 Center Drive, Room 2AN.28
MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200

Preparing Your Application – It’s a SNAP!

Bridges to the Future progress reports should be submitted under the SNAP (Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process). You must complete the following:

  • Face Page (Form Page 1), except for items 8a and 8b
  • Biographical Sketch (Form Page 4), only for NEW key personnel
  • Progress Report (Form Page 5), including SNAP questions and progress report summary
  • Checklist Page (Form Page 6) only if there is a change in performance site(s)
  • Personnel Report (Form Page 7)

Face Page

Item 7. Human Subjects
The Office for Human Research Protections is a resource for policies on the use of human subjects in research. For most applications, the answer to the question will be “no.” For example, using questionnaires to evaluate Bridges program activities does not constitute use of human subjects. A student’s research project that involves human subjects must be covered by a faculty mentor’s pre-existing approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Item 8. Vertebrate Animals
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare is a resource for policies on the care and use of laboratory animals. For most applications, the answer to the question will be “no.” A student’s research project that involves vertebrate animals must be covered by a faculty mentor’s pre-existing approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

Item 10. Inventions and Patents
Answer “no.”

Progress Report

Provide answers to the three SNAP questions and provide a brief, two-page progress report following the instructions below. Tables and figures that summarize key accomplishments are not counted in the two-page limit.

Your report should focus only on the current year’s activities and results.

SNAP Questions

Answer the following questions at the beginning of Form Page 5.

  • Has there been a change in the other support of key personnel since the last reporting period? If yes, explain the change(s); if no, so state. Specific information is to be provided only if active support has changed. If a previously active grant has terminated and/or if a previously pending grant is now active, the change in support is to be reported. Submission of other support information is not necessary if support is pending or for changes in the level of effort for active support reported previously. Other support information should be submitted only for the principal investigator and for those individuals considered by the principal investigator to be key to the project. Key personnel are defined as individuals who contribute in a substantive way to the scientific development or execution of the project, whether or not a salary is requested.
  • Will there be, in the next budget period, a significant change in the level of effort for key personnel from what was approved for this project? If yes, please explain; if no, so state. A significant change in level of effort is defined in Federal regulations as a 25 percent reduction in time devoted to the project. For example, if a key person on the project is expected to reduce his/her effort from 40 percent to 30 percent, which represents a 25 percent reduction in the level of effort, an explanation must be provided at the beginning of the Progress Report Summary (Form Page 5).
  • Is it anticipated that an estimated unobligated balance (including prior year carryover) will be greater than 25 percent of the current year’s total budget? If yes, please provide an explanation; if no, so state. An explanation should include why there is a significant balance and how it will be spent if carried forward into the next budget period.

Program or grants management staff may require additional information in order to evaluate the project for continued funding. Failure to provide this information will result in a delayed award.

Progress Report Summary

  1. Briefly restate the goals and objectives of your Bridges to the Future program.
  2. For each objective, discuss the progress you have made. Quantify results where possible.
  3. Describe the programmatic changes you will make next year in light of your assessment.

As you consider your program’s success and plan future programmatic directions, you may want to keep in mind the overall goals of the Bridges to the Future Program (from Planning and Priorities of the Bridges to the Future Program). You do not need to specifically address these in your progress report.

Goal: Provide opportunities for students and faculty in Bridges institutions to conduct research projects.

Goal: Provide an education that will give Bridges students academic and research tools to contribute at an increasingly complex scientific frontier.

Goal: Provide outstanding advising and mentoring to Bridges students.

Goal: Assure that Bridges students achieve or exceed national norms on a variety of measures.

Goal: Improve program articulation between institutions in Bridges partnerships.

Goal: Increase collaborative teaching and research activities between partner institutions.

Personnel Report

All key personnel for the current budget period at the applicant organization or elsewhere should be listed. Students are not considered key personnel.




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Last reviewed: June 29, 2005

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