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Genetics & Genomics Resources for Model Organisms

NIGMS supports research to better understand the fundamental mechanisms of inheritance and development, cellular function, physiological systems, and macromolecular structure/function relationships. Most funded projects are individual investigator-initiated studies and involve the use of non-human model systems. NIGMS has a strong commitment to providing resources for NIGMS-funded investigators and other members of the scientific community who study model systems.

A program announcement titled "Tools for Genetic and Genomic Studies in Emerging Model Organisms" can be found at

Below is a partial listing of resources available for several model systems. For organisms not listed, Web pages may be developed in the future. Please submit suggestions for additions to this site to Alison Davis, Ph.D. (

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Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana

NIGMS Contact: James Anderson, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) 
TAIR provides a comprehensive resource for the Arabidopsis thaliana scientific community. TAIR hosts a searchable, relational database.

The Arabidopsis Gene Expression Database (AREX) 
AREX curates published Arabidopsis gene expression information and combines it with new data gained from traditional and microarray studies, so that all expression data can be found in a single, searchable database.

Caenorhabditis elegans Caenorhabditis elegans

NIGMS Contact: Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Trans-NIH C. elegans Initiative 
This site lists several links to funding opportunities, C. elegans repositories, microarray resources, and C. elegans Web sites.

Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas

NIGMS Contact: Anthony D. Carter, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Chlamydomonas Resource Center 
This site contains link to tools, resources, and other information for the Chlamydomonas scientific community.

Chlamydomonas Genome Project 
This site contains sequence and annotation information produced by the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome project.

Ciona intestinalis Ciona

NIGMS Contact: Susan Haynes, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Ciona intestinalis Genome Project 
This site provides information and links to genomic resources for the Ciona scientific community.

Ciona savignyi Database 
This site contains Ciona links as well as information about Ciona savignyi

Dictyostelium discoideum Dictyostelium discoideum

NIGMS Contact: Richard Anderson, M.D., Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

The Dicty Stock Center 
The Dicty Stock Center is a central repository of strains of Dictyostelium discoideum and related organisms. Strains and reagents are distributed free of charge to bona fide teaching and non-profit research institutions.

This site provides a single portal for access to Dictyostelium genome information, curated Dictyostelium literature, and access to experimental resources such as the Dictyostelium stock center.

Dicty WorkBench 
This site is a comprehensive Dictyostelium discoideum genome annotation and analysis portal for the Dictyostelium scientific community.

Ciona intestinalis Dog 

NIGMS Contact: Irene A. Eckstrand, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

DogMap is an international collaboration between 46 labs from 20 different countries towards a low resolution canine marker map under the auspices of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG).

Dog Genome Project
This site describes a collaborative study involving scientists at the University of California, Berkeley; the University of Oregon; and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. It is aimed at producing a map of all the chromosomes in dogs.

Drosophila Drosophila

NIGMS Contact: Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Trans-NIH Fly Initiative 
This site lists several links to funding opportunities, resources, and Web sites for the Drosophila scientific community.

National Drosophila Stock Center 
The Bloomington Stock Center collects, maintains, and distributes Drosophila melanogaster strains for research.

Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (DGRC) 
The DGRC serves the Drosophila research community by manufacturing and distributing microarrays; collecting and distributing DNA vectors, cDNAs, and ESTs; collecting and distributing cell lines; assisting scientists in the use of these materials; and sponsoring and testing emerging genomics technologies on behalf of the Drosophila research community.

Drosophila RNAi Screening Center (DRSC) 
The DRSC has generated a library of double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) directed against all predicted open reading frames, and provides a facility for conducting high-throughput cell-based RNA interference (RNAi) screens to identify genes involved in specific functions.

This site contains a published fly-human disease database. Sequences are compared using NIH's National Center for Biotechnology Information's BLAST program.

Escherichia coli Escherichia coli

NIGMS Contact: James Anderson, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

International E.coli Alliance E.coli Database Portal 
This site is a coordinated, curated collection of global-wide information about bacterial cell biology and bioinformatics.

Honey Bee Honey Bee
NIGMS Contact: Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

This site contains information and resources from the Apis mellifera genome project. The ~200Mbase genome is being sequenced using a combined whole genome shotgun and BAC clone approach.
This site contains an expressed sequence tag (EST) resource for the bee brain.
This site, hosted by NIH's National Center for Biotechnology Information, contains a tool to use map data to find gene information by position relative to other landmarks in the honey bee genome.
The Honey Bee Genome Database, available at this site, contains the Apis mellifera genome assembly version 1.1 released by the Baylor Human Genome Sequencing Center in January 2004.
The BeeSpace environment enables users to navigate a uniform space of diverse databases and literature sources for hypothesis development and testing. The software system goes beyond a searchable database, using statistical literature analyses to discover functional relationships between genes and behavior.

Human Human

NIGMS Contact: Judith H. Greenberg, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository 
This resource acquires cell samples from individuals with a wide range of genetic disorders and from normal individuals. The Repository characterizes, maintains, and distributes cell lines and DNA samples derived from the lines to researchers in the U.S. and worldwide.

Mouse Mouse

NIGMS Contact: Matthew Portnoy, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Trans-NIH Mouse Initiative 
This site lists several links to funding opportunities, genetic and genomic resources, and other information for the mouse scientific community.

Mouse Mutagenesis Center for Developmental Defects 
This site is a portal for a large-scale mouse mutagenesis effort. Embryonic lethal mutations are catalogued and made available to investigators who request them.

Mouse Genome Informatics 
This site, hosted by the Jackson Laboratory, provides integrated access to data on the genetics, genomics, and biology of the mouse.

The Peromyscus Genetic Resource Center
This site provides a reliable source of Peromyscus (deer mice) and related materials to the national scientific and educational communities.

Neurospora crassa Neurospora crassa

NIGMS Contact: Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

The Neurospora Home Page
This site links to a wide variety of information about Neurospora, including databases, methods, and educational resources.

Genome Resources for Neurospora 
This site contains links for information and resources about Neurospora and other fungal genetic systems.

Online Links for Neurospora crassa
This site, from the Genetics Society of America, contains links for information and resources about Neurospora.

Plasmodium Plasmodium

NIGMS Contact: Irene A. Eckstrand, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

This site contains the database for the malaria parasite genome project and provides access to finished sequence for the Plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7.

Rat Rat

NIGMS Contact: Matthew Portnoy, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

NIH Rat Genomics and Genetics Web site 
This Web site serves as a central point for information on NIH-sponsored and related rat genetic and genomic activities and resources.

The Pied Piper 
This newsletter, published by the Rat Genome Database project, features research news, notices of events, and information about data and tools developed throughout the rat scientific community.

Tetrahymena Tetrahymena

NIGMS Contact: Anthony D. Carter, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Tetrahymena Genome Sequencing Project 
This site is a portal for the Tetrahymena thermophila genome project. Genome sequence and annotation will be released on this site and submitted to public databases. A BLAST server allows retrieval of sequences from the preliminary contigs.

Xenopus Xenopus

NIGMS Contact: Anthony D. Carter, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Trans-NIH Xenopus Initiative 
This site tracks NIH’s progress and plans regarding support of the genomic and genetic needs for Xenopus research. It also provides links to community resources and to information about courses, meetings, and publications.

Xenopus Gene Collection (XGC) 
The XGC is an NIH initiative that supports the production of cDNA libraries, clones and 5’/3’ sequences to provide a set of full-length (open reading frame) sequences and cDNA clones of expressed genes for Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. All resources generated by the XGC are publicly accessible to the biomedical research community.

Yeast Yeast

NIGMS Contact: Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Saccharomyces Genome Database 
The Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) project collects information and maintains a database of S. cerevisiae molecular biology.

Yeast Intron Database 
This site contains information about the spliceosomal introns of S. cerevisiae, including documentation of actual splice site usage under different experimental conditions.

The Saccharomyces pombe Genome Project 
This site contains links to information, links, and resources for the S. pombe scientific community.

Zebrafish Zebrafish

NIGMS Contact: Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.,, 301-594-0943

Trans-NIH Zebrafish Initiative 
This site is a central information resource for obtaining information about zebrafish genetic and genomic resources, funding opportunities, courses and scientific meetings, and selected reports and publications.

Zebrafish Gene Collection (ZGC) 
The ZGC is an NIH initiative that supports the production of cDNA libraries, clones, and sequences to provide a complete set of full-length (open reading frame) sequences and cDNA clones of expressed genes for zebrafish. All resources generated by the ZGC are publicly accessible to the biomedical research community.

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Last reviewed: September 12, 2005

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