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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health
Current Research
Prinicipal Investigators
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  • Alavanja, Michael E., Dr.P.H.
    Etiology of lung cancer and assessment of cancer risk associated with pesticides and other agricultural exposures.
  • Albanes, Demetrius, M.D.
    Nutritional and molecular determinants of prostate, lung and other cancers. Focus on role of micronutrients, vitamin supplementation, and exposures related to energy balance and anthropometry.
  • Alter, Blanche P., M.D., M.P.H.
    Study of inherited bone marrow failure syndromes. Using Fanconi's anemia as the prototype for an interdisciplinary approach to elucidate the mechanisms of carcinogenesis in humans.


  • Bouville, Andre, Ph.D.
    Radiation dose reconstruction related to environmental releases of radioactive materials. Environmental behavior of radionuclides, especially 131I and 137Cs. Internal dosimetry.
  • Brinton, Louise A., Ph.D.
    Hormonally-related cancers, including breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers. Effects of reproductive and menstrual factors, iatrogenic agents, and gene-environment interactions.


  • Cantor, Kenneth P., Ph.D., M.P.H.
    Evaluation of potential carcinogens in the general environment, with a particular focus on drinking water contaminants and pesticides.
  • Caporaso, Neil E., M.D.
    Molecular epidemiology of lung and tobacco-related cancers. Family studies of lympho-proliferative cancers, i.e., chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Pharmacogenetics of genotype-phenotype relationships.
  • Castle, Philip, Ph.D., M.P.H.
    Epidemiology of human papillomaviruses (HPV) and cervical cancer, mucosal immunology and physiology, vaccinology, cancer and sexually transmitted disease prevention.
  • Chatterjee, Nilanjan, Ph.D.
    Survival analysis methods for genetic epidemiologic studies. Two-phase designs using biological and questionnaire data. Statistical methods for epidemiologic studies with disease classification data.
  • Chow, Wong-Ho, Ph.D.
    Environmental and host determinants of gastric, esophageal, and renal cancers. Occupational and environmental risks for cancer in women.


  • Dosemeci, Mustafa, Ph.D.
    Quantitative assessment of occupational exposures, and etiology of bladder, lung, and laryngeal cancers.


  • Engels, Eric A., M.D., M.P.H.
    HIV, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, and AIDS-associated cancers. Simian virus 40 and cancer.



  • Gail, Mitchell H., M.D., Ph.D.
    Studies of breast and gastric cancer etiology and risk assessment. Statistical methods for observational and experimental studies, including design and analysis of genetic epidemiologic studies.
  • Garcia-Closas, Montserrat, M.D., Dr.P.H.
    Molecular epidemiology of cancer (breast, ovary, endometrium and urinary bladder). Collection methods of DNA from buccal cells and for evaluation of gene-environment interactions.
  • Goedert, James J., M.D.
    Natural history of hepatitis C virus, and risk factors for liver and B-cell diseases, with hemophilia. Risk factors for Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)-associated herpes virus infection and for classical KS.
  • Goldin, Lynn R., Ph.D.
    Analytic methods for detecting susceptibility genes for complex diseases by linkage and association methods. Genetic epidemiology of lymphoproliferative cancers.
  • Goldstein, Alisa M., Ph.D.
    Genetic epidemiology of cancer, integrating epidemiologic, clinical, and molecular approaches. Developing and evaluating methods to examine gene-environment interactions in complex diseases.
  • Graubard, Barry I., Ph.D.
    Descriptive and analytical studies in survey methods from national cancer surveillance survey data. Biostatistical methodology for correlated observations in meta-analyses and community studies.
  • Greene, Mark H., M.D.
    Hereditary cancer syndromes, translational clinical research targeting genetically at-risk populations, and genetic modifiers of risk related to outcomes of cancer therapy.


  • Hartge, Patricia, Sc.D.
    Deputy Director, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program Studies of the etiology of lymphoma, melanoma and cancers of the bladder, ovary, and breast.
  • Hayes, Richard B., D.D.S., Ph.D.
    Prospective studies to evaluate environmental, biochemical, and genetic determinants of cancer.
  • Hildesheim, Allan, Ph.D.
    Exogenous, host factors, and immunologic roles involved in pathogenesis of DNA- related viruses, including HPV and EBV. Studies in cervical cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer.
  • Hoover, Robert N., M.D., Sc.D.
    Director, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program
  • Hsing, Ann, Ph.D.
    Molecular epidemiology of prostate and hepatobiliary cancers. Effects of diet, hormones, insulin resistance, obesity, and genetic factors. Methodological work on determinants of hormones.


  • Inskip, Peter D., Sc.D.
    Cancer risks due to medical, environmental, and occupational exposures to ionizing radiation, including the Chornobyl nuclear reactor accident. Etiology of brain tumors. Multiple primary cancers.


  • Lacey, Jr., James V., Ph.D.
    Role of reproductive hormones in breast, endometrial, ovarian, and cervical cancers. Menopausal hormone therapy and cancer risk. Bone mineral density as biologic marker for estrogen exposure.
  • Land, Charles, Ph.D.
    Relation between cancer risk and exposure to ionizing radation, modification by other exposures, lifestyle, and host factors including genetic predisposition. Biomarkers of radiation-related risk.
    • Landgren, Ola, M.D., Ph.D.
      Studies of causation, natural history, diagnostics, prognostics, and survival of hematopoietic malignancies and related precursor conditions. Integration of clinical, population-based, and molecular research.
    • Landi, Maria Teresa, M.D., Ph.D.
      Association and linkage approaches in genetic epidemiology of cutaneous malignant melanoma, genetic factors of lung cancer and smoking, health consequences of dioxin exposure.
    • Leitzmann, Michael, M.D., Dr.P.H.
      Dietary and lifestyle factors in relation to the risk of prostate cancer. Nutritional and molecular factors of prostate and breast cancer etiology.
    • Linet, Martha S., M.D., M.P.H.
      Hematopoietic, lymphoproliferative, and other cancer risk in adults and children attributable to medical, environmental, and occupational exposures to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
    • Lubin, Jay H., Ph.D.
      Studies of the carcinogenic effects of radon and other radiation exposures, the assessment of measurement error, and the evaluation of other etiologic factors, including gene-environment interaction.


    • McGlynn, Katherine A., Ph.D., M.P.H.
      Molecular epidemiology of primary liver cancers and testicular cancer.
    • Moore, Lee, Ph.D., M.P.H.
      Use of molecular markers to measure the biological effects of carcinogens in human tissues. Molecular epidemiology of environmental arsenic exposure and of bladder and renal cell carcinoma.


    • O'Brien, Thomas R., M.D., M.P.H.
      Role of human genetics in infections with oncogenic viruses and in associated cancers. Emerging infectious agents.


    • Pfeiffer, Ruth, Ph.D.
      Statistical methods for: genetic epidemiology, including power assessment of association studies, family data accounting for ascertainment , DNA pooling for joint genotype estimation, and lab data methods.


    • Rabkin, Charles S., M.D., M.Sc.
      Molecular mechanisms of infection-related cancers, pharmacogenomics of iatrogenic malignancy.
    • Ron, Elaine, Ph.D., M.P.H.
      Risk of radiation-associated tumors in medical, occupational, and environmental settings. Etiology of thyroid tumors. Biologic mechanisms related to radiation carcinogenesis.
    • Rosenberg, Philip S., Ph.D.
      HIV/AIDS natural history. Viruses and cancer, including HCV, SV40, and KSHV. Meta-analysis in genetic epidemiology. Smoothing and nonparametric regression. Cancer susceptibility.
    • Rothman, Nathaniel, M.D., M.P.H., M.H.S.
      Molecular epidemiologic studies of populations exposed to occupational and environmental carcinogens.


    • Schatzkin, Arthur, M.D., Dr.P.H.
      Diet and colorectal neoplasia, alcohol and breast cancer, prospective diet/cancer studies, intermediate endpoints, dietary patterns, intake biomarkers, and dietary measurement error.
    • Schiffman, Mark, M.D., M.P.H.
      Molecular epidemiology to study the natural history of human papillomavirus infection on the risk of cervical cancer. Applications for cervical cancer prevention.
    • Silverman, Debra, Sc.D., Sc.M.
      Environmental and host determinants of pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, and carcinogenicity of diesel exhaust.
    • Sinha, Rashmi, Ph.D.
      Interdisciplinary studies of diet, genetic susceptibility and cancer etiology. Developing approaches of exposure assessment using questionnaires and biochemical measures.
    • Stolzenberg-Solomon, Rachael, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D.
      Prospective studies of dietary and lifestyle factors, as well as, nutritional and molecular biomarkers in relation to primarily gastrointestinal cancers, particularly pancreatic cancer.


    • Taylor, Philip, R., M.D., Sc.D.
      Development of prevention strategies for cancers of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophageal and gastric cancers) using a variety of research approaches (cancer prevention trials, early detection studies, etiologic studies, laboratory-based molecular research, and clinical nutrition studies).
      • Toro, Jorge R., M.D.
        Clinical, epidemiologic, genetic, gene mapping, and laboratory investigations of geneodermatoses and skin cancer to elucidate the mechanisms that contribute to benign and malignant diseases.
        • Tucker, Margaret A., M.D.
          Studies of predictors of high cancer risk among populations with specific genetic alterations or families with high rate of cancers. Integration of clinical, epidemiologic, and molecular research.


        • Wacholder, Sholom, Ph.D.
          Design of epidemiologic studies, including control selection and efficient designs. Joint effects of genetic and environmental factors. Natural history of human papillomavirus and cervical neoplasia.
        • Wang, Sophia S., Ph.D.
          Molecular epidemiology of cervical neoplasia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Identifying genetic susceptibility factors and defining genetic and other molecular events in cancer pathogenesis.
        • Ward, Mary H., M.S., Ph.D.
          Environmental exposures (drinking water contaminants and pesticides) and exposure assessment using Geographic Information Systems. Etiology of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and gastric cancer.


        • Yang, Rose, Ph.D.
          Identify susceptibility genes for familial cancers (melanoma, chordoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma). Assess etiologic heterogeneity of breast cancer using molecular approaches.


        • Zahm, Shelia Hoar, Sc.D.
          Deputy Director, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics. Research interests include pesticides and cancer, the etiology of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and occupational cancer among women.
        • Ziegler, Regina, Ph.D., M.P.H.
          Research on diet, nutrition, and cancer. The role of vegetables, fruits, and micronutrients in the etiology of cancer.