Output Files of HomoStRscan

Output file 5Srna+.scr was generated for k125s+.job Output file 5Srna-.scr was generated for k125s-.job

  • MSS score distribution (data are from 5Srna+.scr and 5Srna-.scr) computed in the complete genome of E. coli K12.
  • An expanded view of the high-scoring tails of the MSS score distribution computed in the complete genome of E. coli K12.
  • Output file 5Srna.tab that is the predicted 5S rRNAs found in the complete genome of E. coli K12 by HomoStRscan and statistical inference.

  • Back to HomoStRscan

    Please send questions or suggestions on this page to shuyun@ncifcrf.gov
    May 16, 2004