News from Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers  
Monday, April 26, 2004 Jon Brandt, Press Secretary
(202) 225-3831

GR WWII veteran to receive belated Purple Heart medal


Congressman Ehlers helps get medal for soldier wounded in 1943 battle;

Award ceremony to take place 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Ford Museum


GRAND RAPIDS - A Grand Rapids veteran of the Pacific theater in World War II will finally receive his Purple Heart medal Saturday, more than 60 years after being wounded in battle on New Guinea, thanks to efforts by Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers.

      Edmund C. (Ed) Szudzik will receive his medal from U.S. Army Captain Loren Hollinger and Congressman Ehlers in a ceremony to be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 1, at the Gerald R. Ford Museum auditorium.

      Szudzik, 85, received his injuries during combat on the island of New Guinea on Christmas Day 1943. He was a member of the 126th Infantry, L Company, of the 34th Division, also known as the Red Arrows - an outfit made up primarily of soldiers from West Michigan. Because he was treated in the field rather than a hospital, his wounds were not properly reported on his discharge papers, resulting in the failure to award him the Purple Heart.

      Ehlers and his staff have worked for more than two years to clear up the mistake and finally received notice last week that the award had been approved. The congressman and Capt. Hollinger will present Szudzik the award following Ehlers' town meeting Saturday morning at the museum. The town meeting begins at 9 a.m.

      Following the medal ceremony for Szudzik, Ehlers will award another set of medals - the Medal of Merit - to more than 40 area high school seniors. An exhibition and award ceremony for the annual Congressional Arts Competition will conclude the day's activities.

      "It is an honor to have the opportunity to bestow the Purple Heart medal on Mr. Szudzik, especially at this time in our nation's history," Ehlers said. "We must never forget the contributions the members of our armed forces provide - both today and in the past - so that we can maintain the freedoms we enjoy."


What:        Ehlers Town Meeting

Where:      Gerald R. Ford Museum, 303 Pearl St., NW; Grand Rapids

Date:         Saturday, May 1, 2004

Schedule of Events

·         9 a.m. - Town Meeting;

·         10:30 a.m. - Purple Heart Medal ceremony for Edmund C. Szudzik, followed by Medal of Merit ceremony for 40 area high school seniors;

·         12 noon - Congressional Arts Competition Awards and exhibition.
