Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Major Initiatives & Areas of Special Interest

NIGMS supports basic biomedical research that increases understanding of life processes and lays the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Most applications to NIGMS are not in response to a particular solicitation; however the Institute does encourage research in a variety of special areas, listed below. For more information, see the complete list of all NIGMS research funding opportunities and grant mechanisms.

Major Initiatives

Protein Structure Initiative
Information about an initiative to accelerate the determination of protein structures, with the ultimate goal of using experimentally determined structures to deduce the structures of related proteins based on their genetic sequences.

Pharmacogenetics Research Network
Information about a nationwide research effort, sponsored by NIGMS and other NIH components, to foster collaboration between scientists studying the effect of genes on people’s responses to a wide variety of medicines.

Glue Grants
An initiative to support large-scale collaborative efforts to address major research problems in a comprehensive and highly integrated fashion.

NIH Roadmap for Medical Research

The NIH Roadmap provides a framework for optimizing the NIH research portfolio. The plan lays out a vision for a more efficient and productive system of medical research.

NIGMS and the NIH Roadmap
Links to awards made, spokespersons, and background information.

Roadmap Funding Opportunities
A continually updated listing of NIH Roadmap funding opportunities.

NIH Roadmap Listserv
Join a listserv to receive announcements and information about NIH Roadmap activities.

Areas of Special Interest

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology 
Information about NIGMS’ Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (CBCB), which supports research and research training in areas that join biology with the computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

Cellular Imaging 
Information about nine multi-investigator centers to develop probes and imaging systems that can be used to routinely achieve single molecule sensitivity for imaging dynamic processes in living cells.

Chemical Methodologies & Library Development 
Information about NIGMS’ program to establish multi-investigator research centers whose mission is to develop efficient, general, state-of-the-art methodologies for the design, synthesis, analysis, and handling of chemical diversity libraries.

Collaborative Research 
Information about funding programs aimed at promoting the integrative and collaborative approaches that are increasingly needed to solve complex problems in biomedical science.

Complex Biological Systems Initiatives 
Information about a set of initiatives to promote quantitative, interdisciplinary approaches to problems of biomedical significance, particularly those that involve the complex, interactive behavior of many components.

Genetic & Genomic Resources for Model Organisms
Information about resources for NIGMS-funded investigators and other members of the scientific community who study model systems.

Integrative and Organ Systems Pharmacology
Information about NIGMS funded Short Courses for Integrative and Organ Systems Pharmacology and related training opportunities.

Metals in Medicine
Information about NIGMS’ initiative to encourage research that bridges the areas of inorganic chemistry and medicine.

Modeling Infectious Diseases 
Information about NIGMS funding opportunities that encourage researchers to develop computational models that improve the detection, control, and prevention of emerging infectious diseases, including those relevant to biodefense.

Single Molecule Detection & Manipulation
Information on NIGMS’ initiative to encourage basic research on the detection and manipulation of single molecules.

Stem Cell Initiatives 
Information about NIGMS-sponsored stem cell research initiatives, including funding opportunities and related resources.

Trauma, Burn, Perioperative Injury, & Wound Healing
Information on NIGMS’ initiatives for research on the total body response to injury, the etiology of post-traumatic sepsis, and the mechanisms of immunosuppression, wound healing, and hypermetabolism following injury.



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Last reviewed: July 13, 2005

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