NIH Lambda Lunch Meetings

An NIH Special Interest Group.

Date:         Tue, 7 Oct 2008 10:00:00 -0400
From: Robert Weisberg 
Subject: Lambda Lunch update

Lambda Lunch update, 10/7/08:

10/9/08*:  NO MEETING

10/16/08*:  Sarah Woodson (Johns Hopkins) "How Hfq chaperone helps 
sRNAs find their target"
(Susan Gottesman)

10/30/08*:  Marie Cecile Ploy (Limoges, France) "Regulation of the 
expression of gene cassettes and integrase in multi-resistant 
integrons" (Gaelle Demarre)

11/6/08*:  Max Gottesman

11/7/08: LMB, NCI reunion meeting.  Lipsett Auditorium. Prokaryotic 
Biology, 8:30-11:30 (Max Gottesman, Gigi Storz, Don Court currently scheduled).

11/13/08*:  David Rudner

12/3/08, WAL:  Jon Beckwith (Susan Gottesman)

12/18/08*:  Carl Kingsford (U MD) "Transcription Terminators, DNA 
uptake, and Overlapping Genes" (Susan Gottesman)

12/11/08*  Joseph Falke

1/8/09*:  Lukas Tamm

1/22/09*  Vitaly Epshtein (NYU)

3/18/09, WAL:  Christine Jacobs-Wagner (Gigi Storz)

3/19/09*:  Christine Jacobs-Wagner (Gigi Storz)

*Regular lambda lunch at 11:00 AM in Bldg 37, Rm 6107/6041. To 
schedule seminars, contact Susan Gottesman 
( or Bob Weisberg 
( To meet with an outside speaker, 
contact the person whose name is in parentheses.

You can join the mailing list in the following ways if you're at 
NIH.  (1) Send the following message from the computer where you 
usually receive mail to LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV: SUBSCRIBE 
LAMBDA_LUNCH-L your name. Replace "your name" by your first and last 
names; or (2) go to, browse the lists to find 
Lambda_Lunch-L, and follow the instructions to join.  If you're not 
at NIH, contact Bob Weisberg. This 
schedule is also available 

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Bldg 6B/Room 308                         Lab:  301-496-3555
6 Center Drive, NIH                      Fax:         -0243
Bethesda, MD 20892-2785               Office:         -4448
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Previous Lambda Lunch Meeting Schedules

  • The Lambda Special Interest Group at NIH
  • Special Interest Groups at NIH
  • List of contacts for Other Special Interest Groups at NIH

    Schneider Lab

    origin: 1998 Mar 31
    updated: 2005 Sep 28