About Us

About the Community of Genetic Educators (CoGE):

The Community of Genetic Educators (CoGE) website is part of the National Human Genome Research Institute's educational and outreach efforts. It is a community of educators focused on national K-12, collegiate, and community-based efforts in the teaching of genetics and genomics to students and the general public.

 This website is designed to link genetic educators with one another (and with NHGRI's education team) to share and extend learning tools, tips and methods of bettering educational programming nationally.

The Community of Genetic Educators will be used regularly to extend and share educational programming and tools from the NHGRI with members. It will also afford educators the ability to work remotely in shaping and evaluating NHGRI learning tools.

Even more than this, this website is a meeting place for genetics and genomics educators where discussions, resources, and ideas can be shared to further each member's, and the collective group's, knowledge and abilities.

NHGRI encourages genetic educators nationally to use this website to find resources, recommend resources, learn from other members in similar  situations, act as a mentor to other members, submit helpful lessons learned and resources, and work with the education team at the NIH Genome Institute (NHGRI) in reviewing and refining learning tools.

CoGE will offer special educational opportunities for educators and will alert members as to new and upcoming resources of value.

We invite you to meet, collaborate, teach, learn at Community of Genetic Educators.

Content Found on the National Human Genome Research Institute's CoGE Website:

This site provides users (educators) with information to help better understand genetics, genomics and diagnosed genetic disorders. The resources on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice.