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RFB&D's 2009 National Achievement Awards

Each year, RFB&D sponsors two awards programs for outstanding students with print disabilities: The Mary P. Oenslager Scholastic Achievement Award (SAA) and The Marion Huber Learning Through Listening® (LTL®) Award

2009 Deadline Extended to April 6, 2009!

The Mary P. Oenslager Scholastic Achievement Awards (SAA)

The Mary P. Oenslager Scholastic Achievement Awards are presented to RFB&D members who are college seniors and blind or visually impaired, in recognition of extraordinary leadership, scholarship, enterprise and service to others.

Offered since 1959, the awards are given to a total of nine students who are chosen by a selection committee. RFB&D gives three top winners $6,000 each; three special honors winners $3,000 each; and three honors winners $1,000 each.

Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

The SAA award application is available for download in the following formats:

PDF version of the SAA application

Microsoft Word version of the SAA application

HTML version of the SAA application

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The Marion Huber Learning Through Listening® (LTL®) Awards

The Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Awards are presented to RFB&D members who are high school seniors with learning disabilities, in recognition of extraordinary leadership, scholarship, enterprise and service to others.

Offered since 1991, the awards are given to six students who are chosen by a selection committee. RFB&D presents the three top winners $6,000 each and three special honors Winners $2,000 each.

For the purposes of this award, a learning disability is defined as a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to receive, process, store, and/or respond to information, and which affects the person's ability to read standard print.

Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

If you have any questions about the eligibility criteria, please call RFB&D at 866-RFBD-585.

PDF version of the LTL application

Microsoft Word version of the LTL application

HTML version of the LTL application