Printing Problems

If you are having trouble printing Tom Schneider's papers from the PostScript forms, (printer blinks but does not produce anything), it may be that you trying to print on A4 paper.

There is a piece of PostScript code that does this inside the papers:

%%BeginPaperSize: Letter
/setpagedevice where {
pop 1 dict dup /PageSize [ 612 792 ] put setpagedevice
} {
statusdict /lettertray known {
statusdict begin lettertray end
/letter where { pop letter } if
} {
/letter where {
pop letter
} {
statusdict /setpage known {
statusdict begin
612 792 0 setpage
} if
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
If you remove this, it may help.

Another solution may be to look at the paper first in GhostView and then to print to A4 from there. Unfortunately this did not work for John Markham.

Thanks to:

| John Markham                                                        |
| School of Physics                                                   |
| University of Melbourne                                             |
| Email:                              |
| URL:                           |
| Phone: +61 3 9344 5084 (Room 402)                                   |
| Fax:   +61 3 9347 4783                                              |

Schneider Lab

origin: 1999 June 15
updated: 1999 November 29