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Nature Insights Quantitative genetics

This Insight highlights progress in teasing apart complex traits, or determining the relative contributions of genetics and environment in organisms from plants to mice to the trio of the malaria parasite Plasmodium, the mosquito host, and of course the human. Genetics has always been a field where studies in one organism are crucial to discovery in another, and we hope that this collection of reviews inspires crosstalk between specialists as well as enticing new interest in the field.

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NPG Journals in genetics Featured Articles
Nature Genetic architecture of mouse skin inflammation and tumour susceptibility
Nature News A never-ending dance of RNA
Nature Genetics Genetic variation in PCDH11X is associated with susceptibility to late-onset Alzheimer's disease
Nature Methods miRNA in situ hybridization in formaldehyde and EDC-fixed tissues
Nature Biotechnology PeakSeq enables systematic scoring of ChIP-seq experiments relative to controls
Nature Medicine A stroma-related gene signature predicts resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology High-resolution dynamic mapping of histone-DNA interactions in a nucleosome
Nature Cell Biology Genome stability is ensured by temporal control of kinetochore-microtubule dynamics
Nature Immunology Influence of the transcription factor RORγt on the development of NKp46+ cell populations in gut and skin
Nature Neuroscience Wnt antagonism of Shh facilitates midbrain floor plate neurogenesis
Nature Reviews Genetics Fundamental concepts in genetics: Genetics and the understanding of selection
Nature Reviews Cancer Non-coding RNA production by RNA polymerase III is implicated in cancer
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Making a commitment: cell lineage allocation and axis patterning in the early mouse embryo
EMBO Journal Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation marks meiotic recombination initiation sites
EMBO Reports Managing the unimaginable. Regulatory responses to the challenges posed by synthetic biology and synthetic genomics
Molecular Systems Biology Model-guided design of ligand-regulated RNAi for programmable control of gene expression
European Journal of Human Genetics A paternal deletion of MKRN3, MAGEL2 and NDN does not result in Prader-Willi syndrome
Heredity Genetic structuring in three closely related circumpolar plant species: AFLP versus microsatellite markers and high-arctic versus arctic-alpine distributions
Oncogene Normal colorectal mucosa exhibits sex- and segment-specific susceptibility to DNA methylation at the hMLH1 and MGMT promoters
Gene Therapy Analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vector cis- and trans-acting elements production by means of Semliki Forest virus
Molecular Therapy A highly Stable and Nonintegrated Human Artificial Chromosome (HAC) Containing the 2.4 Mb Entire Human Dystrophin Gene
The Pharmacogenomics Journal Prediction of CYP3A4 enzyme activity using haplotype tag SNPs in African Americans
Molecular Psychiatry Gene discovery through imaging genetics: identification of two novel genes associated with schizophrenia
Genes and Immunity The shared CTLA4-ICOS risk locus in celiac disease, IgA deficiency and common variable immunodeficiency
Cancer Gene Therapy Potentiation of methoxymorpholinyl doxorubicin antitumor activity by P450 3A4 gene transfer
Journal of Investigative Dermatology Frequencies of NRAS and BRAF Mutations Increase from the Radial to the Vertical Growth Phase in Cutaneous Melanoma
Cell Research Isolation and initial characterization of GW5, a major QTL associated with rice grain width and weight
Kidney International Suppression of parathyroid hormone production in vitro and in vivo by RNA interference
Laboratory Investigation Murine cardiac mtDNA: effects of transgenic manipulation of nucleoside phosphorylation