Upcoming Events

October 2008

The fourth AIIDE-08 conference (Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Digital Entertainment) begins October 22 in Palo Alto, California, USA.

November 2008

The AAAI Fall Symposium begins November 7 in Arlington, VA, just outside Washington, DC.

March 2009

The AAAI Spring Symposium begins on March 23 in Palo Alto, CA.

July 2009

Please join us for the 2009 IAAI conference, beginning July 14 in Pasadena, CA (colocated with IJCAI).

AAAI is cosponsoring the 2009 IJCAI conference, July 11–17 in Pasadena, California USA. (There will be no AAAI conference in 2009.)

July 2010

AAAI Comes to Atlanta for the twenty-fourth AAAI Conference, July 11–15.