expgraph program

Documentation for the expgraph program is below, with links to related programs in the "see also" section.

{version = 1.07; (* of expgraph.p 2000 June 25}

(* begin module describe.expgraph *)
   expgraph: make a graph of the exponential function

   expgraph(input: intty, output: out)


   input: two numbers, one per line:
      number of divisions to plot per integer;
      maximum of x (minimum is zero).

   output: x versus 2^x in three columns:
      first column is 'n' for numerical data or 'p' for places
         that should be marked with a circle (ie, nice integer values)
      second column is x running from 0 to the maximum of x
      third column is 2^x


   The powers of 2 exponential function.  The same data can be plotted to
   give the logarithmic function.


For an exponential graph, the xyplop file to use is:

4   2     zerox zeroy         graph coordinate center
x 0 5     zx min max          (character, real, real) if zx='x' then set xaxis
y 0 32    zy min max          (character, real, real) if zy='y' then set yaxis
5  32 1 1 xinterval yinterval xsubintervals ysubintervals: axis intervals
4 4       xwidth    ywidth    width of numbers in characters
0 0       xdecimal  ydecimal  number of decimal places
15 17     xsize     ysize     size of axes in cm
y = 2) show gsave 24 8 translate 0 0 moveto (x) show grestore (
a         zc                  'c' crosshairs, axXyYnN
n 2       zxl base            if zxl='l' then make x axis log to the given base
n 2       zyl base            if zyl='l' then make y axis log to the given base
2 3       xcolumn   ycolumn   columns of xyin that determine plot location
1         symbol column       the xyin column to read symbols from
0  0      xscolumn  yscolumn  columns of xyin that determine the symbol size
0 0 0     hue saturation brightness   columns for color manipulation
          symbol-to-plot      c(circle)bd(dotted box)x+Ifgpr(rectangle)
n         symbol-flag         character in xyin that indicates that this symbol
0.05      symbol sizex        side in inches on the x axis of the symbol.
0.05      symbol sizey        as for the x axis, get size from yscolumn
cl 0.05   no connection (example for connection is c- 0.05 for dashed 0.05 inch)
n  0.05   linetype  size      linetype l.-in and size of dashes or dots
c         symbol-to-plot      c(circle)bd(dotted box)x+Ifgpr(rectangle)
p         symbol-flag         character in xyin that indicates that this symbol
0.05      symbol sizex        side in inches on the x axis of the symbol.
0.05      symbol sizey        as for the x axis, get size from yscolumn
nu 0.05   no connection (example for connection is c- 0.05 for dashed 0.05 inch)
n  0.05   linetype  size      linetype l.-in and size of dashes or dots
          **** version 8.50 of xyplop: uses cm for distances

For an logarithmic graph, the xyplop file to use is:

4 2       zerox zeroy         graph coordinate center
x 0 32    zx min max          (character, real, real) if zx='x' then set xaxis
y 0 5     zy min max          (character, real, real) if zy='y' then set yaxis
32 5  1 1 xinterval yinterval number of intervals on axes to plot
4 4       xwidth    ywidth    width of numbers in characters
0 0       xdecimal  ydecimal  number of decimal places
17 15     xsize     ysize     size of axes in inches
y = log ) show gsave 34.5 -7 translate 0 0 moveto (2) show grestore ( x
a         zc                  'c' crosshairs, axXyYnN 2^x
n 2       zxl base            if zxl='l' then make x axis log to the given base
n 2       zyl base            if zyl='l' then make y axis log to the given base
3 2       xcolumn   ycolumn   columns of xyin that determine plot location
1         symbol column       the xyin column to read symbols from
0  0      xscolumn  yscolumn  columns of xyin that determine the symbol size
0 0 0     hue saturation brightness   columns for color manipulation
          symbol-to-plot      c(circle)bd(dotted box)x+Ifgpr(rectangle)
n         symbol-flag         character in xyin that indicates that this symbol
0.05      symbol sizex        side in inches on the x axis of the symbol.
0.05      symbol sizey        as for the x axis, get size from yscolumn
cl 0.05   no connection (example for connection is c- 0.05 for dashed 0.05 inch)
n  0.05   linetype  size      linetype l.-in and size of dashes or dots
c         symbol-to-plot      c(circle)bd(dotted box)x+Ifgpr(rectangle)
p         symbol-flag         character in xyin that indicates that this symbol
0.05      symbol sizex        side in inches on the x axis of the symbol.
0.05      symbol sizey        as for the x axis, get size from yscolumn
nu 0.05   no connection (example for connection is c- 0.05 for dashed 0.05 inch)
n  0.05   linetype  size      linetype l.-in and size of dashes or dots


   See direct pointers below.

see also

   A figure created by these two graphs (with 100 divisions) are used in
   the Information Theory Primer,

   Example input files:
   exponential and log input file: expgraph.expin
   exponential xyplop: expgraph.exponential.xyplop
   logarithmic xyplop: expgraph.logarithmic.xyplop

   The program used to plot the graph is  xyplo.p


   Thomas Dana Schneider


   none known

(* end module describe.expgraph *)
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