dnamwt program

Documentation for the dnamwt program is below, with links to related programs in the "see also" section.

{version = 1.08; (* of dnamwt.p 1995 July 20}

(* begin module describe.dnamwt *)
   dnamwt: calculate the molecular weight of a DNA molecule

   dnamwt(input: in, report: out, output: out)

   input:  user input
   report: output file with calculated weight
   output: output file with calculated weight

   This program is used to calculate the molecular weight of DNA


 The molecular weights of the monophosporylated nucleotides are:

 A = 331.2
 C = 307.2
 G = 347.2
 T = 322.2

 When polymerized, each nucleotide will lose a water molecule of 18.0,
 and not considering methylation of any bases, the molecular weight of
 each will be;

 A = 313.2
 C = 289.2
 G = 329.2
 T = 304.2

 But, we'll have to add back two hydroxide ions, one for each strand polymerized,
 which is 17.0 x 2 = 34.0 PLUS 2.0 for the two extra hydrogen ions subtracted earlier.

 If you only know the sequence of one strand, and want to know
 the molecular weight of the entire double-stranded DNA:

 MW of strand1 = #A(313.2) + #C(289.2) + #G(329.2) + #T(304.2) + 18.0


 MW of strand2 = #A(304.2) + #C(329.2) + #G(289.2) + #T(313.2) + 18.0

 Therefore the overall MW is 

   #A(313.2 + 304.2) + #C(289.2 + 329.2)
 + #G(329.2 + 289.2) + #T(304.2 + 313.2)
 + 36.0


 #A(617.4) + #C(618.4) + #G(618.4) + #T(617.4) + 36.0


 617.4(#T + #A) + 618.4(#C + #G) + 36.0


 If you know the %GC of the single stranded sequence,
 MW in daltons for the double stranded DNA would be = 

 (%GC * total length)             (100-%GC * total length)
 -------------------- (618.4)  +  ------------------------ (617.4) + 36.0
        100                                  100

   Other sources of information or documents on the program.

see also

   Paul N. Hengen and Thomas Dana Schneider


technical notes

(* end module describe.dnamwt *)
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