Secondhand Smoke

Why Be Concerned About Secondhand Smoke?

For years Americans have been concerned about the health effects of smoking cigarettes. In recent years that concern has also focused on secondhand smoke- the smoke that comes from the burning end of tobacco and exhaled smoke from smokers. The information below is designed to help Utahns become aware of the health impact of secondhand smoke and resources available to avoid exposure.

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Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke   image of smoldering cigarette
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In the Home
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Utah Smoke-Free Apartment and Condominium Guide
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At the Workplace
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Laws & Regulations
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Reporting Violations of the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act
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Developing Smoke-Free Policies
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Helpful Links


Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke
image of broken cigarette The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General- June 27, 2006
This report updates the 1986 report The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, and provides a detailed review of the epidemiological evidence of the health effects of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke.
broken cigarette image Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke: The Report of the California Environmental Protection Agency 
National Cancer Institute publication that reports on various health effects caused by exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS).
broken cigarette image

California EPA report "Proposed Identification of ETS as a Toxic Air Contaminant- Health Effects
Extensive section of report on the health effects of SHS exposure.

broken cigarette image The Facts About Secondhand Smoke
A brief overview of the secondhand smoke effects developed by the American Cancer Society.
broken cigarette image The Health Effects of Passive Smoking - A Scientific Information Paper
Australian National Health And Medical Research Council Report (1997) that provides an extensive review of evidence published in peer-reviewed scientific journals linking passive smoking to disease.
broken cigarette image Proposed Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant
A report produced by the staff of the California Air Recovery Board (ARB) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment that presents an evaluation of exposures to environmental tobacco smoke and potential health effects associated with these exposures.
Secondhand Smoke
Secondhand smoke (SHS) links on MedlinePlus, the world's largest medical library. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. 
broken cigarette image Secondhand Smoke: The Science
Americans for Nonsmoker's Rights secondhand smoke fact sheet.
broken cigarette image Second Hand Tobacco Smoke and Children
American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inc. information that addresses the specific health problems associated with children and second hand smoke.
broken cigarette image Setting the Record Straight: Secondhand Smoke is a Preventable Health Risk    
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency site that provides detailed information about the health risks associated with secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure.  
broken cigarette image Substance Profiles- Tobacco Related Exposures
Section of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Toxicology Program 11th Report on Carcinogens(2004) identifying environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke) as a "known human carcinogen" (cancer causing substance, agent, or mixture). 

Bibliography of Secondhand Smoke Studies
An extensive bibliography of over 300 studies on the health impact of secondhand smoke compiled by the Americans for Nonsmoker's Rights. 

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In the Home
broken cigarette image

The ABC's of SHS
Describes why children are at particular lists and gives tips to avoid exposing them to secondhand smoke.

image of broken cigarette Smoking is Harmful for Pets!
It's true. Smoking around your pets can cause numerous health problems. Check out this page to see what you can do.

Making Your Home and Care Smoke-Free: A Guide to Protecting Your Family from Second-Hand Smoke
The Guide is produced by the Minister of Health, Health Canada. It is intended to help families remove second-hand smoke from their homes and cars.

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Utah Smoke-Free Apartment and Condominium Guide

Utah Smoke-Free Apartment and Condominium Guide
The Utah Smoke-Free Apartment and Condominium Guide is designed to promote smoke-free housing for Utahns.  The Guide contains information for apartment and condominium owners and managers as well as those seeking housing that is smoke-free. 

The Guide also contains a statewide smoke-free housing directory which can be accessed by going to:
  Utah Smoke-Free Apartment and Condominium Guide- Statewide Directory

Utah Libre de Humo de Cigarrillo. Guía de Condominios y Apartamentos - El Directorio estatal del estado de Utah

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At the Work Place
broken cigarette image Utah Indoor Clean Air Act Business Guide
The Guide is designed to help business owners and building operators understand Utah Clean Air Act requirements and resources available to help them comply.
broken cigarette image Sign Requirements
Describes requirements for signs that must be posted at places covered by the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act.
broken cigarette image

Impact of Ordinances on Businesses
Link to a summary of studies on the impact of smoke-free policies on businesses compiled by the Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Control Program.

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Laws & Regulations
broken cigarette image Statute-Utah Indoor Clean Air Act 
The current Utah Indoor Clean Air Act as passed by the Utah State Legislature.
broken cigarette image Rule-Utah Indoor Clean Air Act 
The rule for the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act.
broken cigarette image

Second Hand Smoke Amendments
The Amendments apply to tobacco smoke that drifts into residential units.

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How to Report a Violation of the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act
broken cigarette image Procedure for reporting a violation of the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act
Explains basic information needed to report a violation and who to contact.

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Developing Smoke-Free Policies

Utah Secondhand Smoke Policy Implementation Guide
The guide is a resource for local health departments, community agencies, and other tobacco prevention partners interested in implementing secondhand smoke (SHS) policies. The guide is divided into worksite, multiple dwelling unit, home, health care setting, and outdoor venue sections.  

Keep Your Business Healthy:  Utah Tobacco-free Workplace Toolkit (PDF 1.08MB)
The Toolkit is developed to augment the Worksite Secondhand Smoke Policy Implementation Guide.  It is designed for use by businesses and organizations that are either developing new tobacco-free policies or enhancing existing policies.

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broken cigarette image Utah Tobacco Cessation Resource Directory
A statewide listing of tobacco cessation resources. 

State, local, national, and other contacts
State, local, and national contacts that can help meet Utah Indoor Clean Air Act requirements and to help educate people about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

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Helpful Links
Preventing Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke
Tips on how to prevent being exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) developed by the Office of Tobacco Use Prevention, Oklahoma Department of Health, 2002.
broken cigarette image Secondhand Smoke: Protect Yourself From the Dangers
Mayo Clinic recommendations for avoiding secondhand smoke. 
broken cigarette image

Smoke Free Homes
Lists actions that can be taken to protect others in your household from being exposed to secondhand smoke.

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