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UGID:241087     UniGene Hs.446050     Homo sapiens (human)   ABCC9
ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 (ABCC9)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_001149414.1 PREDICTED: ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 9 isoform 1 P. troglodytes 100.0 1548
NP_005682.2 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 9 isoform SUR2A H. sapiens 100.0 1548
XP_001098888.1 PREDICTED: similar to ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 9 isoform SUR2B M. mulatta 99.7 1548
NP_035641.1 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 9 isoform a M. musculus 97.7 1545
NP_001025325.1 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 D. rerio 84.1 1557

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cDNA Sources: brain; uncharacterized tissue; embryonic tissue; mixed; liver; kidney; mammary gland; lung; uterus; heart; muscle; testis; prostate; placenta; trachea; eye; ear; pancreas; mouth; connective tissue; nerve
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 12
Map position: 12p12.1
UniSTS entry: Chr Y AL033784
UniSTS entry: Chr Y D11S2766
UniSTS entry: Chr Y D11S3014
UniSTS entry: Chr Y D11S3017
UniSTS entry: Chr Y (n/a)
UniSTS entry: Chr Y D11S3026
UniSTS entry: Chr 9 GDB:451655
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (10)

BX537513.1 Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp313N1637 (from clone DKFZp313N1637) A
BX640893.1 Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp686P15248 (from clone DKFZp686P15248) A
NM_005691.2 Homo sapiens ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 (ABCC9), transcript variant SUR2A, mRNA P
CR619334.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DN001YA23 of Adult brain of Homo sapiens (human) P
NM_020297.2 Homo sapiens ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 (ABCC9), transcript variant SUR2B, mRNA P
NM_020298.2 Homo sapiens ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 (ABCC9), transcript variant SUR2A-delta-14, mRNA P
AK056519.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ31957 fis, clone NT2RP7007381, highly similar to Sulfonylurea receptor 2A P
BC033804.1 Homo sapiens ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5188093), complete cds PA
AK094171.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ36852 fis, clone ASTRO2014392, moderately similar to SULFONYLUREA RECEPTOR 1 P
AK092535.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ35216 fis, clone PROST2000277, highly similar to Homo sapiens sulfonylurea receptor 2B (SUR2) gene P

EST sequences (10 of 80) [Show all sequences]

AI015113.1 Clone IMAGE:1624052 embryonic tissue 3' read
AI093397.1 Clone IMAGE:1695207 uterus 3' read A
BX097517.1 Clone IMAGp998J214119_;_IMAGE:1624052 embryonic tissue
BX104670.1 Clone IMAGp998O164304_;_IMAGE:1695207 uterus
BX093648.1 Clone IMAGp998C102827_;_IMAGE:1127745 kidney
AI769040.1 Clone IMAGE:2366759 mixed 3' read
AI792114.1 Clone IMAGE:1127745 kidney 5' read
AI803384.1 Clone IMAGE:2067283 embryonic tissue 3' read
BX432024.2 Clone CS0DN001YA23 brain 5' read
BX433404.2 Clone CS0DN001YA23 brain 3' read

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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