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Release Name: caGrid-1.1

                          Version 1.1
                       September 17, 2007 

1.0 caGrid Introduction
2.0 Release History
3.0 New Features and Updates
4.0 Bug fixes since last release
5.0 Known Issues/Defects
6.0 Bug Reports and Support
7.0 Documentation
8.0 References

                      1.0 caGrid Introduction

    This document contains the release notes for the caGrid 1.1

    caGrid 1.1 is a point release of the caGrid 1.0 stream.  It
    is backwards compatible with the service interfaces of caGrid 1.0.
    That is, services and applications developed against the caGrid 1.0 release,
    will continue to function against caGrid 1.1 versions of those services
    (including the production grid).

    This release of caGrid supports caBIG compatibility level gold.

                      2.0 Release History

caGrid 0.5 was released on 31st August 2005
caGrid 0.5.1 was released on 7th October 2005
caGrid 0.5.2 was released on 15th November 2005
caGrid 0.5.3 was released on 25th January 2006
caGrid 0.5.4 was released on 12th May 2006
caGrid 1.0 Beta was released on 17th July 2006
caGrid 1.0 was released on 15th December 2006

                      3.0 New Features and Updates

 RFE	Description
3693	CQL Query Processor parameters should always be configurable “deploy time”
3869	Manually specified domain model path should be made relative to the service dir
4056	Support Copy Paste in the “View/Edit” window for metadata.
4094	Support mechanism for archiving and possibly disabling the SyncGTS cache.
4137	CQL Query Processor Parameters should be allowed to start with upper case chars
4149	Introduce to support generating XSDs and Castor Mappings from XMI file
4328	Introduce model should have documentation capabilities
4350	Need to create a caGrid Sandbox instance for testing grid deployments
4359	Be able to turn off service registration at deploy time
4376	ServiceMetadata Editor
4434	BDT needs a system test to test service creation
4447	Need to make an upgrader for metadata extension to populate new description fields in introduce model
4615	Make easier to extend for post processing results
4669	Service Metadata editor for Introduce
4723	Meaningful IdP names in Grid Identities
4724	Add support for a Hardware Security Module (HSM) to Dorian.
4726	Modify Grid Grouper to allows users to get a list of groups in which they are a member.
4728	Design and Develop a solution for provisioning service/container certificates / develop CPS if required.
5365	Add support for service's to unregister from the Index Service at shutdown
6047	Sort items in drop down lists
6326	Busy Dialog while modification viewer is being loaded.
6404	Introduce to enable user to write in custom PDP
6811	Update or delete Introduce GUI tests
7168	FQP needs integration test
7989	AuthenticationService should issue assertion a small amount of time in the past
8137	Need installer for portal
8138	Need installer for browser
8139	Installer should have option to configure service container without deploying a service
8168	Installer should look for a system property for overloading the download properties url

The complete list of new features and additional details can be found on the project Gforge Tracker:
and in the scope documents: 

Specific highlighted improvements of caGrid 1.1 include:
 * Services are backwards compatible with 1.0 release
 * Automated migration of 1.0 services to 1.1
 * Coordination with Security Working Group to create policy for credentialing in production deployment
 * Complete “training grid” deployment
 * Support for simple switching between grid deployments (production, training, local, etc)
 * More than 40 fixed bugs
 * Usability improvements
 * Documentation improvements
 * Even more testing
 * Significant installation improvements

                      4.0 Bug fixes Since Last Release

Bug		Description
3773	Introduce service properties removal can get corrupted.
3856	cagrid-portal doesn't configure client stubs correctly to pull metadata from secure services
4045	NullPointerException in FQP 
4047	caGrid portal Number of Services is not consistent
4048	caGrid portal changes - Usability session feedback
4049	caGrid Portal - Map View issue
4054	Introduce methods which are “Provided” do not have the ability to infuse authorization callouts.
4075	Installer does not properly install and configure a secure Tomcat
4081	GTS Shutdown BUG
4087	caDSR driven domain model not regenerated when modified in data service UI
4182	GAARDS UI: dialog text incorrect
4303	Introduce inserts new methods (in client) without regard to java 5 annotations, which can cause compile errors
4304	Introduce generated client overrides getServiceSecurityMetadata and shouldn't
4354	Terrapin Systems on caGrid portal should be renamed to TerpSys
4356	Introduce: Clicking on a type namespace in the namespace tree should turn off custom serializer view
4488	Introduce doesn't prevent you from creating java packages using numbers
4502	Due to a hibernate bug, grouper and therefore gridgrouper has problems on MySQL 5
4618	Introduce modify service window may be closed while method modification window is open
4694	Service's don't seem to be unregistering from Index Service on container shutdown
5351	Installer overloads Globus Trusted Certificate Directory in Tomcat
5371	Dorian throws a null pointer when adding/updating a Trusted IdP with no authentication method specified.
5372	Security UI does not properly list all Trusted IdPs in the user management search criteria drop down.
5916	ResourcePropertyEditorDialog leaving file handles open
6048	Investigate synchronization/timing issue on “load schemas” button in data service caCORE wizard
6049	Introduce needs to strip trailing whitespace from methods names, etc
6236	In Introduce generated service's XML and WSDL files, URL path to caGridMetadata.xsd contains backslashes
6248	Domain Model generation excludes classes with no attributes
6268	Service property description not updated
6270	Introduce configuration preferences GLOBUS_LOCATION is inconsistently used
6325	caDSR extension to Introduce throws exception when refresh is clicked while a package is being brought down.
6416	Dorian IDP registration GUI needs to prevent submitting registration multiple times
6734	GMEService (from mobius) doesn't properly propagate initialization exception
6748	Unexpected Behavior in Removing or Suspending the Initial Dorian Admin Account
6982	CRL not updating in subordinates when you overload a Trusted Authority.
7400	Deploy Grid Service window extends off the screen
7668	Introduce generated client is not properly loading service-specific wsdd before generic one
7808	When FQP securely deployed the client always looks for credentials; should support anonymous as well
7903	Exception thrown when clicking “delete” button in proxy view window.
7977	AuthenticationService build is broken
7988	caGrid authentication service SAML assertions out of time
8000	Tomcat Security Descriptor has gridmap file entry in it.
8016	GME deployment doesn't edit the gme conf properly when running on a different port
8207	Upgrading data service using SDK 3.1, shows wrong appservice url in GUI
8212	Introduce method viewer lets you edit a provided/imported method when you first open it
8217	Service Migrator does not address  removing the old security jar and copy in the new ones.
8219	Service Migrator does not seem to be editing the eclipse classpath correctly with the new jars after upgrade.
8486	Installer should not ask if caGrid should be reconfigured if user has selected to install caGrid.

The complete fixed bug list and additional details can be found on the project Gforge Tracker:

                     5.0 Known Issues Not Yet Fixed

Update to date bug reports and feature requests can be found on the tracker section
of the project's gforge site:

	Bug# #7671 Lowercase chars in complexType names from schema can cause compile failure
	Data services with models using Class names that start with lowercase characters won't compile. 
	None, without editing the XSD/Model.

                	6.0 Bug Reports and Support
	The preferred approach is to first search the user's email
	archives for your problem, then email your question to the
	list.  Bugs can also be entered on the gforge project page.
	User's listserv archive:
	Join listserv:

	GForge Project Page:
	Submit Bug:
                     	7.0 Documentation

	The release documentation can be found along with the downloads on the project's 
	gforge file section:

	The latest documentation, including individual project design documents,
	can be found in GForge:

                    	8.0 References
The following urls access web pages relevant to caGrid.

    caBIG Home Page
    NCICB Download Center



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