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Model Characteristics - Model: K5.COX-2 
Model Descriptor K5.COX-2
Official Nomenclature
Species Mouse (Mus musculus)
Strain NMRI 
Is This a Tool Strain? No
Developmental Stage
(applies only to Zebrafish)
Experimental Design The transgene is composed of a full length Ptgs2 cDNA without the 3' untranslated region fused to a bovine keratin 5 (K5) promoter. The bovine K5 promoter was used to drive transgene expression in basal keratinocytes of the interfollicular epidermis and in basal cells of the pilosebaceous unit. The models were generated to explore the role of COX-2 in skin. 
Phenotype Transgenic COX-2 expression and increased PG levels correlated with marked phenotypic changes. All transgenic lines exhibited an exceptional nail growth especially of the hind feet. Showing a normal appearance at birth, transgenics began to differ from wt mice at the age of 8 days in that they were still hairless. By the age of 7 weeks, transgenic mice had developed a furry coat, but it remained less dense for their lifetime and looked greasy and coarse as compared with wt mice. This hair phenotype showed body-site variations that were most pronounced on back skin. In addition, three of the seven transgenic lines developed a severe pancreatitis at the age of about 6-10 months, although no transgenic COX-2 expression was found in the pancreas. Histological examination of H&E-stained skin sections of transgenic mice indicated remarkable defects in epidermal differentiation and skin maturation, depending on age and body site.
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Breeding Notes


Sex Distribution of the Phenotype Both Sexes 
Submitted by Curator, caMOD
Principal Investigator / Lab Muller-Decker*, Karin
Model Availability: This model is available from
Strain Distributor Stock number
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National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health