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Model Characteristics - Model: Xpa homozygous knockout exposed to UVB light 
Model Descriptor Xpa homozygous knockout exposed to UVB light
Official Nomenclature C56Bl/6J-Tg(XPAIm)55Cmg
Genotype Xpa -/-
Species Mouse (Mus musculus)
Strain C57BL/6 
Is This a Tool Strain? No
Developmental Stage
(applies only to Zebrafish)
Experimental Design Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive disease in which repair of ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damage is impaired or is totally absent due to mutations in genes controlling the DNA repair pathway known as nucleotide excision repair (NER). XP is characterized, in part, by extreme sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, and XP patients have a more than 1000-fold increased risk of developing cancer at sun-exposed areas of the skin. To study the role of NER in chemical-induced tumorigenesis in more detail, we developed Xpa-/- homozygous knockout mice with a complete defect in NER (designated as Xpa mice or XPA model).  
Phenotype Xpa mice develop skin tumors at high frequency when exposed to UV light, and as such, they mimic the phenotype of human XP.
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Breeding Notes


Sex Distribution of the Phenotype Both Sexes 
Submitted by van Steeg, Harry
Principal Investigator / Lab van Steeg, Harry
Model Availability: This model is available from
Strain Distributor Stock number
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National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health