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UGID:179506     UniGene Hs.292493     Homo sapiens (human)   XRCC6
X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6 (XRCC6)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_001067309.1 PREDICTED: similar to thyroid autoantigen R. norvegicus 84.7 352

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Note: Highly represented in several libraries
GEO profiles: Gene expression profiles in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database
cDNA Sources: brain; testis; skin; uncharacterized tissue; placenta; lung; kidney; uterus; intestine; liver; blood; embryonic tissue; vascular; thymus; connective tissue; prostate; eye; mammary gland; muscle; bone marrow; spleen; heart; pancreas; esophagus; ovary; adrenal gland; cervix; ascites; stomach; mixed; pharynx; thyroid; trachea; lymph; bladder; bone; umbilical cord; lymph node; mouth; tonsil; ear; amniotic fluid; adipose tissue; salivary gland; nerve; larynx; parathyroid; pituitary gland; ganglia; epididymis; pineal gland
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 22
Map position: 22q13.2-q13.31
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (47)

AF052148.1 Homo sapiens clone 24507 mRNA sequence A
M32865.1 Human Ku protein subunit mRNA, complete cds P
NM_001469.3 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6 (XRCC6), mRNA A
J04611.1 Human lupus p70 (Ku) autoantigen protein mRNA, complete cds P
CR456492.1 Homo sapiens G22P1 full length open reading frame (ORF) cDNA clone (cDNA clone C22ORF:pGEM.G22P1.V2)
BC072449.1 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:87834 IMAGE:6167735), complete cds PA
CR542219.1 Homo sapiens full open reading frame cDNA clone RZPDo834D0725D for gene G22P1, thyroid autoantigen 70kDa (Ku antigen); complete cds, incl. stopcodon
CR624280.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DG004YM15 of B cells (Ramos cell line) of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR623859.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI064YC09 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR619333.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI030YM07 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR617974.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DH003YD23 of T cells (Jurkat cell line) of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR617294.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI055YH08 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR616120.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DF025YM14 of Fetal brain of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR615167.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI008YP08 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR613344.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI041YL24 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR613229.1 full-length cDNA clone CL0BB006ZB05 of Neuroblastoma of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR612909.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DF036YM20 of Fetal brain of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR612325.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI058YK23 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR611977.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DF026YM17 of Fetal brain of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR608552.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI084YG12 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR606919.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DA012YK08 of Neuroblastoma of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR606444.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI067YI17 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR603871.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DF023YB11 of Fetal brain of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR602610.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI070YK22 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR601883.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI063YB03 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR601209.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DE013YF11 of Placenta of Homo sapiens (human) PA
CR600608.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DG004YN01 of B cells (Ramos cell line) of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR599117.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DL002YF19 of B cells (Ramos cell line) Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR598672.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI029YB24 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR597702.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI013YF20 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR597340.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI061YB11 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR596781.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DG001YH05 of B cells (Ramos cell line) of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR593727.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI040YJ04 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR590963.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI021YC23 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR590825.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI013YK23 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR590193.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DH005YA15 of T cells (Jurkat cell line) of Homo sapiens (human) P
J04607.1 Human thyroid autoantigen mRNA, complete cds P
BC008343.1 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:15860 IMAGE:3509801), complete cds A
BC010034.2 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:19717 IMAGE:3536083), complete cds PA
BC012154.2 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:20380 IMAGE:4561541), complete cds A
AK055786.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ31224 fis, clone KIDNE2004305, highly similar to ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1 (EC 3.6.1.-) P
BC018259.2 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:17453 IMAGE:3448510), complete cds PA
AK315618.1 Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ96699, highly similar to Homo sapiens thyroid autoantigen 70kDa (Ku antigen) (G22P1), mRNA
AK293439.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ53970 complete cds, highly similar to ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1 (EC3.6.1.-) A
AK304580.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ54993 complete cds, highly similar to ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1 (EC 3.6.1.-) A
BC001583.1 Homo sapiens X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3460998) PA
S38729.1 Ku autoantigen p70 subunit [human, mRNA, 2123 nt] PA

EST sequences (10 of 5020) [Show all sequences]

AA903156.1 Clone IMAGE:1517676 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
AA983231.1 Clone IMAGE:1591841 kidney 3' read A
AA999884.1 Clone IMAGE:1636438 kidney 3' read A
AA904889.1 Clone IMAGE:1504144 mixed 3' read
AA910350.1 Clone IMAGE:1520573 kidney 3' read PA
AI002953.1 Clone IMAGE:1699526 kidney 3' read A
AI026943.1 Clone IMAGE:1643853 testis 3' read PA
AI049938.1 Clone IMAGE:1700598 kidney 3' read A
AI049964.1 Clone IMAGE:1700955 kidney 3' read A
AI051141.1 Clone IMAGE:1669170 brain 3' read PA

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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