/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:27:12 Jan 31, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 23:04:06 Oct 18, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ var timeout_url = ""; function timeoutRedirect(){ if (timeout_url == "") timout_url = "/"; if( navigator.appVersion.charAt( 0 ) < '3' ) location = timeout_url; else location.replace( timeout_url ); return false; } var timer = null; function startTimeout(time, url) { if( timer != null ) clearTimeout(timer); timeout_url = url; timer = setTimeout('timeoutRedirect()', time); } function onSelectChange(obj) { var index = obj.selectedIndex; if (obj.options[index].value.substr(0,1) == '+') { location.replace(obj.options[index].value.substr(1)); } else { location.replace("/search/"+obj.options[index].value.substr(0,1)+"?"+obj.options[index].value.substr(1)); } } function getObj(name) { if (document.getElementById) obj = document.getElementById(name); else if (document.all) obj = document.all[name]; else if (document.layers) obj = document.layers[name]; return obj; } function process_save(saveall) { obj = getObj('save_func'); if (saveall) obj.value = 'save_all_page'; else obj.value = 'save_marked'; obj.form.submit(); } function replace_or_redraw( new_URL ) { //var oBase = document.all.tags('base'); //if (oBase && oBase.target) oBase.target = _self; if( navigator.appVersion.charAt( 0 ) < '3' ) location = new_URL; else location.replace( new_URL ); return false; } // patroninfo script function close_it( ) { window.close(); return false; } function removesome(myform, oldURL, doall) { var i; var newURL = oldURL; for (i = 0; i < myform.elements.length; i++) { if (myform.elements[i].type != 'checkbox') continue; newURL += '&' + myform.elements[i].name + '='; if (!doall) newURL += (myform.elements[i].checked ? 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selectedTag = selector.options[selector.options.selectedIndex].value; //* removed test for nn4 since we don't support it */ //* added global var for sort tags */ var sortSelect = document.getElementById("sortdropdown"); if(sortSelect) { if(nonSortTags.search(selectedTag) != -1 ) { sortSelect.className = "hideElem"; } else { sortSelect.className = "showInlineElem"; } sortSelect.options.selectedIndex = sortSelectedValue; } } function createSelect(sName,sTypes, sLabels, sSelectedValue) { var newSelect = document.createElement("SELECT"); newSelect.setAttribute("name", sName); //toggleSort is predicated on this id newSelect.setAttribute("id", sName); for(var i=0; i < sTypes.length; i++) { if (sSelectedValue != null && sSelectedValue == sTypes[i]) { newSelect.selectedIndex= i; } newSelect.options[i] = new Option(sLabels[i],sTypes[i]); } return newSelect; } function createButton(sValue,sName) { var newButton = document.createElement("INPUT"); newButton.setAttribute("type","button"); newButton.setAttribute("value",sValue); 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