State of New Mexico Department of Health logo

The Department of Health works with New Mexicans so you can be healthy, safe and strong. Created by statute in 1919 after the Spanish Flu epidemic, the NM Department of Health has always been on the front lines, addressing the health needs that are most important to New Mexicians. Our seven program divisions: offer information and services so you can make smart lifestyle choices; protect you and your community by preventing the spread of disease and preparing for health emergencies; and provide support and advocacy for people with disabilities and those who need care in a facility and counseling services to help you overcome depression, substance abuse or other behavioral health hurdles.

Division of Health Improvement

Division of Health Improvement
Ensures individuals receive quality care in New Mexico's long-term care and health facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, and adult day cares, by assuring licensing and other requirements are met and responding to complaints of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The division investigated 3,620 complaints in health-care facilities in 2005.
The division's programs include:
. The Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program
. The Employee Abuse Registry

Developmental Disabilities Supports Division

Developmental Disabilities Supports Division
Provides community-based vocational, rehabilitative and other therapy services to improve the quality of life and increase the independence of people with developmental disabilities. Also works with children at risk for developmental delay or disability and their families.
Programs include:
. Developmental Disabilities Waiver
. The Medically Fragile Waiver
. The Family, Infant and Toddler Program

Public Health Division

Public Health Division
Provides essential public health services that prevent disability, disease, and premature death through its 50 public health offices, contractors, and community partnerships.
Programs include:
. Childhood Immunizations
. Women, Infants and Children Program
. Border Health
. Tobacco Use Control and Prevention
. STD screening/treatment
. Needle exchange/harm reduction
. Infectious disease prevention
. HIV/AIDS programs and waiver

Scientific Laboratory Division

Scientific Laboratory Division
The sole public health, environmental, and drug laboratory for New Mexico. Tests for infectious diseases threatening people, livestock and wildlife and for hazardous materials and pollutants in our water, air and milk. Also tests for drugs in DWI criminal cases and for autopsy cases. Over the course of a year, the lab performs more than 500,000 tests on nearly 200,000 samples.
Programs include:
. Breath alcohol test training and instrument maintenance
. Inspecting private dairy testing and water testing laboratories
. Testing for infectious disease outbreaks in biological or chemical terrorism incidents

Division of Policy and Performance

Division of Policy and Performance
The Division of Policy and Performance monitors the health of New Mexico's minority population and works to develop strategies to reduce disparities that may lead to poor health.
. Native American Health Council
. Strategic plan development
. Diversity education

Epidemiology and Response Division

Epidemiology and Response Division
Tracks infectious diseases and health statistics, trains organizations in disease control, responds to public health emergencies and provides vital records services. The division issues 228,000 birth and death certificates and registers 28,000 births and 14,000 deaths each year.
Programs include:
. Bureau of Health Emergency Management
. Disease surveillance
. Vital Records

Facilities Division

Facilities Division
Oversees the six State-run facilities and one program that provide long-term, rehabilitative, behavioral health and drug treatment programs.
The facilities are:
. Fort Bayard Medical Center, a 200-bed long-term care facility in Silver City that includes a chemical dependency treatment center.
. New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute in Las Vegas, the state psychiatric hospital that offers community mental health services in three counties, a treatment program for male sex offenders, and two long-term care facilities with a total of 167 beds.
. New Mexico Rehabilitation Center in Roswell, which provides physical and occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, social services, and a chemical dependency program.
. New Mexico State Veteran's Home in Truth or Consequences, a 146-bed facility that serves state veterans with nursing care and adult residential care.
. Sequoyah Adolescent Treatment center in Albuquerque, a 36-bed residential treatment facility for male adolescents with a history of violence or a mental disorder that might lead to violence.
. Turquoise Lodge in Albuquerque, a 36-bed treatment center that offers in-patient treatment as well as residential care.
. The program is the Los Lunas Community Program, which offers community-based services to people with developmental disabilities.

A Fuller View of the Department's work

What We Provide
We operate, or contract for, statewide health improvement programs for health improvement, primary and emergency medical care, treatment for sexual assault and AIDS victims, substance abuse prevention, treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse/dependency, mental health disorders/illnesses, forensic evaluations, and long term services for the developmentally/mentally disabled.

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How We Operate
How we operate - Programs and services are provided in direct care 24 hour treatment facilities, and community public health offices, comprehensive mental health centers, and other community-based specialty treatment programs. We participate in multi agency initiatives and federal programs like the Health Information Portability and Protection Accountability Act (HIPAA).

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