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The VCDE Workspace facilitates the establishment of standards, including common data element (CDE) standards that can be re-used by caBIG software development projects. This site shows the processes and reviews of CDE Standards within the VCDE WS.

Registered: 2006-03-28 15:34
Activity Percentile: 94.49%
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Developer Info
Project Admins:
Brian Davis
Daniela Smith
Lynne Wilkens
Michael Keller
Mukesh Sharma
Rakesh Nagarajan
Riki Ohira
Baris Suzek
David Aronow
Dong Fu
Hemant Shah
Janice Chilli
Julie Holtzople
Kristel Dobratz
Linda Schmandt
Mary Cooper
Michael Riben
Patrick McConnell
Robert Freimuth
Salvatore Mungal
Xin Zheng

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Latest File Releases
Package Version Date Notes / Monitor Download
CDC-derived Race and EthnicityStandard-CDC-derived Race and Ethnicity April 2, 2005 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
OMB-derived Race and EthnicityStandard-OMB_Race and Ethnicty March 3, 2005 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Date and Time ExchangeStandard-Representation of Date and Time for Information Exchange April 15, 2005 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Performance Status ScaleStandard-Performance Status Scale April 27, 2005 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Sex and GenderStandard-Sex and Gender September 6, 2005 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Person NameStandard Modification - Person Name Training and Education Suffix December 14, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Gene IdentifierStandard-Gene Identifier February 24, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
OrganizationStandard Modification - Organization June 25, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Mailing AddressStandard Modification - Mailing Address June 25, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Candidate StandardsCandidates March 6, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Proposed StandardsProposed Standards December 20, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
LanguageStandard-Language June 12, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Marital StatusStandard-Marital Status August 31, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Social Security NumberStandard-Social Security Number August 31, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
ReligionStandard-Religion August 31, 2006 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Person AgeStandard Modification - Age June 25, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Proposed Standard ModsResponses to caBIG Reviewer Comments December 10, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Body Mass IndexStandard - Body Mass Index July 9, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Email AddressStandard - Email Address February 21, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Telephone NumberStandard - Telephone Number February 21, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Body Surface AreaStandard - Body Surface Area September 4, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Education LevelStandard - Education Level January 3, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Family Member RelationshipStandard-Family Member Relationship May 20, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
UCUMResponses to Reviewer Comments December 10, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
AJCC_Term_for_StagingAJCC_CDE_Standards January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
LOINC_Lab_Test_NamesLOINC_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
OrganismVCDE PPT presentation January 30, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Demography_CRFDemography_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Adverse_Events_CRFAdverse_Events_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Medical_History_Phys_Exam_CRFMed_History_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Participant_ID_CRFParticipant_ID_CRF_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Registration_Enrollment_CRFRegist_Enroll_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Protocol_Deviations_CRFProtocol_Dev_CDE_Standard January 27, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download

Public Areas
Home Page Project Home Page

 - Bugs ( 0 open /0 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Support ( 0 open /0 total )
Tech Support Tracking System

 - Patches ( 0 open /0 total )
Patch Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 0 open /0 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

 - CDE Standard Modifications July 2008 ( 9 open /9 total )
caBIG Community feedback on VCDE proposed modifications to existing caBIG CDE Standatds

 - Unified Codes for Units of Measure (UCUM) Oct 2008 ( 4 open /4 total )
30-day caBIG Community Comment feedback on VCDE proposed standards for the Unified Codes for Units of Measure (UCUM) CDEs

Forums Public Forums ( 2 messages in 2 forums )
Docs DocManager: Project Documentation
Lists Mailing Lists ( 1 public mailing lists)
Tasks Task Manager
  - To Do
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Surveys Surveys ( 0 surveys )
SCM SCM Repository (CVS: 1 commits, 17 adds)


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