#!/bin/csh -f #(ie run the cshell on this but don't read the .cshrc) # version = 1.00 of mkbitcs 2001Aug28.19:44:07 # origin 2001Aug28.19:44:07 echo mkbitcs: automatic generation of the bitcs faq set target = bionet.info-theory.faq set url = http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/$target.html set filetxt = ~toms/public_html/$target.txt set fileps = ~toms/public_html/$target.ps set filepdf = ~toms/public_html/$target.pdf set checktxt = http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/$target.txt set checkps = http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/$target.ps set checkpdf = http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/$target.pdf # see the netscape manual page for how to output files. echo go to url: $url netscape -raise -remote "openURL($url)" echo save as text file: $filetxt yes | rm -f $filetxt sleep 1 netscape -remote "saveAs($filetxt,text)" echo save as PostScript file: $fileps yes | rm -f $fileps sleep 1 netscape -remote "saveAs($fileps,PostScript)" ls -lt | head -4 # Use ImageMagick http://www.imagemagick.org # to make the pdf convert $fileps $filepdf chmod a+r $filetxt chmod a+r $fileps chmod a+r $filepdf sleep 1 netscape -raise -remote "openURL($checktxt)" sleep 1 netscape -raise -remote "openURL($checkps)" sleep 1 netscape -raise -remote "openURL($checkpdf)"