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p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R: sc-7980-R Search  |  Datasheet
  • rabbit polyclonal IgG, 200 µg/ml
  • epitope corresponding to a short amino acid sequence containing phosphorylated Ser 63 of c-Jun of human origin
  • recommended for detection of Ser 63 phosphorylated c-Jun of m, r and h origin by WB, IP, IF and ELISA
  • blocking peptide, sc-7980 P
  • TransCruz reagent for Gel Supershift and ChIP applications sc-7980 X, 200 µg/0.1 ml
Additional c-Jun Antibodies ...
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Ordering Information
Product Name Catalog # Unit Price Qty Wish List
p-c-Jun (Ser 63) P sc-7980 P
100 µg/0.5 ml $58
p-c-Jun (Ser 63) X sc-7980 X 200 µg/0.1 ml $259
p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R sc-7980-R 200 µg/ml $259

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p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R Product Citations
See how others have used p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R: sc-7980-R antibody and or p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R antibody conjugates.
Kasper, B. et al. 2006. Neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells induced by platelet factor 4 requires sequential activation of Ras, Syk, and JNK MAP kinases. Blood. 107: 1768-1775. View PubMed Entry
Degousee, N. et al. 2006. c-Jun N-terminal Kinase-mediated Stabilization of Microsomal Prostaglandin E2 Synthase-1 mRNA Regulates Delayed Microsomal Prostaglandin E2 Synthase-1 Expression and Prostaglandin E2 Biosynthesis by Cardiomyocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 281: 16443-16452. View PubMed Entry

p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R Data
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p-c-Jun (Ser 63)-R: sc-7980-R. Western blot analysis of c-Jun phosphorylation in non-transfected: sc-117752 (A) and mouse c-Jun transfected: sc-125069 (B) 293T whole cell lysates.