
The Discovery & Invention portfolio makes broad investments in basic and applied research that will increase fundamental knowledge, foster opportunities for breakthroughs and provide technology options for future Naval capabilities and systems. Discovery & Invention programs nurture creativity and seek a balance between risk, opportunity, and potential naval impact.

Naval Science & Technology Portfolios

Research Areas Discovery and Invention spacer Leap-Ahead Innovations Acquisition Enablers Quick Reaction S and T

Discovery & Invention Portfolio Objectives

Develop Naval-Relevant Fundamental Knowledge
• Expand the boundaries in traditional naval interest research areas
• Examine new research directions for future naval needs
• Encourage risk-taking to seek scientific breakthroughs

Provide the Basis For Future Navy and Marine Corps Systems
• Ensure research relevancy to naval S&T strategy
• Transition promising Basic Research to applications
• Use knowledge (even failures) to reduce risk in acquisition

Maintain the Health of the Defense Scientist and Engineer Workforce
• Develop and nurture future generation of DoD researchers and engineers
• Ensure continued U.S. advantage in intellectual capital
• Maintain unique/essential research infrasatructure