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Briefing Rooms

Food Security in the United States: Community Food Security


Community food security is a relatively new concept with roots in such disciplines as community nutrition, nutrition education, public health, sustainable agriculture, and anti-hunger and community development. There is no universally accepted definition of community food security. In the broadest terms, community food security can be described as a prevention-oriented concept that supports the development and enhancement of sustainable, community-based strategies to improve access of low-income households to healthful nutritious food supplies, to increase the self-reliance of communities in providing for their own food needs, and to promote comprehensive responses to local food, farm, and nutrition issues.

Policies and programs implemented under the label of community food security address a diverse range of issues, including:

  • Food availability and affordability
  • Direct food marketing
  • Diet-related health problems
  • Participation in and access to Federal nutrition assistance programs
  • Ecologically sustainable agricultural production
  • Farmland preservation
  • Economic viability of rural communities
  • Economic opportunity and job security
  • Community development and social cohesion

Recent ERS Research

Community Food Security Assessment Toolkit—This report provides a toolkit of standardized measurement tools for assessing various aspects of community food security. The toolkit is intended as a resource for community-based nonprofit organizations and business groups, local government officials, private citizens, and community planners.Map of the most community-supported agriculture programs in 2000

Community Food Security Programs Improve Food Access—This FoodReview article discusses how community-based efforts such as farmers markets, food cooperatives, community-supported agriculture, farm-to-school initiatives, and community gardens, complement Federal food assistance programs by increasing the quantity, quality, and affordability of food in a community.

Examples of Strategies and Activities


For more information, contact: Margaret Andrews

Web administration:

Updated date: November 14, 2007