National Conservation Training Center
Bird Publications

Alphabetical listing can be searched with a "Control-F" prompt. ie. Press "Control" and "F," and type in search term.

1998 Update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan - Expanding the Vision. 1998. 32 pp. For copy call 1-800-344-WILD  (Booklet) 

2005 North American Trumpeter Swan Survey. 2006. 23 p.

ABCs of Avoiding Bird Collisions at Communication Towers: The Next Steps

Adaptive Harvest Management 1999 Duck Hunting Season. (MBMO) 1999. 41 p. 

Adaptive Harvest Management 2000 Duck Hunting Season. [2000]. 45 p.

Adaptive Harvest Management 2001 Duck Hunting Season. [2001]. 47 p.

Adaptive Harvest Management 2002  Duck Hunting Season. (MBMO) 2002. 36 p. 

Adaptive Harvest Management 2003  Duck Hunting Season. (MBMO) 2003. 32 p. 

Adaptive Harvest Management Considerations for the 1998 Duck Hunting Season  1999. 29 p. (MBMO) 

Adaptive Harvest Management for Eastern Mallards 1999 Progress Report. 2000. 16 p. (MBMO) 

Adaptive Harvest Management for Eastern Mallards, Progress Report, January 13, 2000. (MBMO) 

Adaptive Management and the Regulation of Waterfowl Harvests. 1995.

Alabama Coastal Birding Trail. 2001. 27 p.

American Woodcock Population Status, 2001. 2001.  15 p.

American Woodcock Population Status, 2003. 2003.  22 p.

American Woodcock Population Status, 2004. 2004.  17 p.

American Woodcock Population Status, 2005. 2005.  17 p.

American Woodcock Population Status, 2006. 2006.  17 p.

Approved Nontoxic Shot Types

Arctic Ecosystems in Peril: Report of Arctic Goose Habitat Working Group (A special publication of the Arctic Goose Joint Venture of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan)

Atlantic Flyway Eastern Tundra Swan Project

Attwater's Prairie-chicken Recovery Program: Questions and Answers. 1999. 2 p. 

Avian Mortality at Communication Towers: A Review of Recent Literature, Research, and Methodology. 2000. 38 p. 

Backyard Bird Feeding

Backyard Bird Problems

Baird's Sparrow Status Assessment and Conservation Plan (Region 6) 

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2006.   For copy call 1-800-344-WILD   see also National Wildlife Refuges Inhabited by Bald Eagles. 1 p.

Bald Eagle Monitoring if Delisted. 1 p

Bald Eagle Pairs Lower 48 States 1963-1998. (Chart) 1 p.

Bald Eagle Pairs Lower 48 States 1982 vs 1999. (Population) 1 p.

Bald Eagle Road to Recovery. 1 p.

Bird Feeding: Backyard Habitat for Wildlife.  1999.  1p. 64K

Bird Festival Guide see 2002 Bird Festival Guide. 2002. 

Bird Kills at Towers and Other Human-made Structures: An Annotated Partial Bibliography (1960-1998). 1998. 2 p.

Bird Conservation Timeline. 2003. 2 p.

Birds of a Feather Nesting Together: IMBD Celebrates Colonial Birds. 2004. 2 p.

Birds of Conservation Concern 2002.
2003. 105 p.

Birds Protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.


Black Tern Status Assessment. 1999.

Blueprint for the Future of Migratory Birds: Migratory Bird Program Startegic Plan 2004-2014. 2004. 27 p.

Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis). Biologue series. 1995.  For copy call 1-800-344-WILD

California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) Wildlife Fact Sheet. 1998  For copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Cassin's Sparrow (Aimophila cassinii) Status Assessment and Conservation Plan (Biological Technical Publication BTP-R6002-2000). 2000. 112 p.

Caution: Feeding Waterfowl May Be Harmful!. 2000. 8 p.  For copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Celebrating International Migratory Bird Day. 2005 2 p.
Central Flyway Harvest and Population Survey Databook 2004. 78 p.

Central Flyway Harvest and Population Survey Databook 2005. 78 p.

Cerulean Warbler Status Assessment. 2000. 154. p.   See "Status Assessments"

Clear the Way for Birds: IMBD Explores Bird Collisions. 2005. 2 p.

Coffee Birds: Species Depicted in the IMBD 2001 Artwork. 2001. 2 p.

Condor see California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus).Wildlife Fact Sheet. 1998   Return of the Condor: 2001. 2 p.

Conservation of Avian Diversity in North America see Strategies for Conservation of Avian Diversity in North America (MBMO) 1998. 

Conserving Colonial Birds - At Home and Away. 2004. 2 p.

Coordinated Spring Survey of Mid-Continent Sandhill Cranes. 2005. 8 p.

Cormorant Food Habits and Potential Impacts on Sport and Commercial Fisheries: An Annotated Bibliography. 2000. 44 p.

Cormorants see Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on Double-crested Cormorant Management. 2001.

Crane see Whooping Crane (Grus americana). Biologue Series. 1995. 2 p.

The Danger of Plate Glass: Understanding and Avoiding That Painful Thud. 2005. 2 p.
Delaware Bay Shorebird-Horseshoe Crab Assessment and Peer Review, 2003, 107p.

Double-Crested Cormorants and Fisheries in the Great Lakes Basin Fact Sheet.

Ducks at a Distance. by Bob Hines (USGS/BRD) 

Duck Stamp Story. 2000. 8p. 239kb.   For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Duck Stamp Contest: Information, Entry Form, and Regulations. 2000. 8p. 171kb. 

Eagle see Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2006.   For copy call 1-800-344-WILD 

Environmental Impact Statement Double-Crested Cormorant Management in the United States. 2003. 208 p.

Executive Order to Protect Migratory Birds Press Release and Q & A's are available

Expanding the Vision: 1998 Update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.  1998. 32 pp. For copy call 1-800-344-WILD  (Booklet) 

Falconry Take of Nesting American Peregrine Falcons in the Contiguous United States and Alaska. 2001. 7 p.

Familiar Migratory Songbirds. 1999. 4 p.  For copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Fifty Birds of City and Town. 1989. 50 p. 

Final Environmental Impact Statement: Resident Canada Goose Management. 2005.
Fine Line for Birds: A Guide to Bird Collisions at Power Lines. 2005. 2 p.

For the Birds.
2001. 52 p.  For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Four Essential Elements of Habitat: Food, Water, Cover, Space. 2002. 2 p.

Framework-date Extensions for Ducking Hunting in the United States: Projected Impacts and Coping with Uncertainty. 2001. 9 p.

Framework-date Extensions for Ducking Hunting in the United States: Supplemental Assessment. 1999. 15  p.

Game Birds Below Desired Condition. [2004]. 2 p.

Get HIP: Your Role in Conserving Migratory Birds Through the Harvest Information Program . [2000]. 5 p. 182kb  ADDITIONAL: Get HIP Decal

History of the Waterfowl Population Survey: 50 Years and Still Counting. 2004. 2 p.

Homes for Birds

Hunting and Migratory Birds: How Hunters Benefit Many Migratory Bird Species. 2000. 2p. 123kb. 

Important Facts about Habitat Loss and Birds (MBMO)  1999  2 p.  62K 

Junior Duck Stamp Conservation & Design Program: Conservation Through The Arts. 1999.  For copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Kirtland's Warbler: Dendroica kirtlandii  1998  2 p.  278K   For copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Landscape to Attract Birds

Long-Billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) Rangewide Survey and Monitoring Guidelines. 2003 12 p.

Marsh Bird Monitoring Workshop Proceedings (April 26-28, 1998, Laurel, MD). 1999.  57 p. 274 K 

Migration of Birds. Circular 16. Revised. 1998. 113 p.

Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 2005 Annual Report. 2006. 56 p.

Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations

Migratory Bird Permits

Migratory Songbird Conservation

Monitoring Plan for the American Peregrine Falcon: A Species Recovered Under the Endangered Species Act. 2003. 60 p.

Monitoring Results for Breeding American Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus anatum), 2003. Biological Technical Publication. BTP-R1005-2006. 2006. 36 p.

Mourning Dove Breeding Population Status, 2001.  2001. 35 p.  

Mourning Dove Breeding Population Status, 2004.
2004. 21 p.  

Mourning Dove Population Status, 2006. 2006. 22 p.
National Wildlife Refuges Inhabited by Bald Eagles. 1 p.

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (Fact Sheet). 2001. 1 p.

Nontoxic Shot Regulations for Hunting Waterfowl and Coots in the U.S.  2001.

North American Bird Conservation Initiative: Bird Conservation Regional Descriptions. A Supplement to the North American Bird Conservation Initiative Bird Conservation Regions Map. 2000. 44 p.

North American Bird Conservation Initiative Bird Conservation Regions Map. 2000. 1 p.

North American Bird Conservation Initiative: Bringing It All Together. 2000. 12 p. Maps and Summary.  

North American Bird Conservation Initiative in the United States: A Vision of American Bird Conservation. 2000. 29 p. 
North American Breeding Bird Survey Results and Analysis 1966-1986 (USGS-BRD) 

North American Waterfowl Management Plan 1998 United States Progress Report (NAWCC) 

Obtaining Eagles and Eagle Feathers from the National Eagle Repository. 2005. 2 p.

Oil Field Waste Pits: Death Traps for Wildlife

Partners in Flight Watch List  (MBMO) 1999  3 p. 66K 

Pelican see Brown Pelican (Pelecanus Occidentalis) - Biologue series. 1995.  For a copy of 1-800-344-WILD

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). Fact Sheet. 2006. 2 p.   For copy call 1-800-344-WILD 

Perils Past and Present: Major Threats to Birds Over Time. 2003. 2 p.

Pesticides and Birds
(MBMO)  2000.  2 p.  62K 
Preliminary Estimates of Waterfowl Harvests and Hunter Activity in the United States During the 2001 Hunting Season. 2002. 38 p.

Preliminary Estimates of Waterfowl Hunter Activity and Harvest during the 2001 and 2002 Hunting Season. 2003. 34 p.

Preliminary Report on Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, 1955-2006. 2006. 26 p. Color version

Proceedings of the Marsh Bird Monitoring Workshop (April 26-28, 1998, Laurel, MD). 1999.  57 p. 274 K 

Red-Cockaded Woodpecker. 2002. 31 p. For a copy of 1-800-344-WILD

Refuges, Flyways and Migratory Waterfowl. 2003. 7 p.

Return of the Condor: A New Day...Un Nuevo Dia. 2001. 1 p.

Review of the Status of Greater and Lesser Scaup in North America  1999. 53 p. (MBMO) 

Sampling Marbled Murrelets at Sea: Tests of Survey Methods and Designs. Draft. 1999. 35 p. 

Sandhill Crane Harvest and Hunter Activity in the Central Flyway During the 2003-2004 Hunting Season. 2004. 11 p.

Scoping/Public Participation Report for Environmental Impact Statement on Resident Canada Goose Management. 2000.

Service Guidance on the Siting, Construction, Operation and Decommissioning of Communications Towers. 2000.

Shade Coffee and Migratory Birds: The International Migratory Bird Day 2001 Theme. 2001. 2 p.

Shorebird Page

Snow Geese see Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Light Goose Management. 2001. 122 p. 

Souvenir Duck Stamp Card. 1p. 2000. 93kb. 

Species, Age and Sex Identification of Ducks Using Wing Plumage. 1992. Part 1 (pages 1-71). Part 2 (pages 72-144) . Also in HTML version.

Statistical Guide to Data Analysis of Avian Monitoring Programs. BTP-R6001-1999. Biological Technical Publication. 1999. 

Status and Harvests of Sandhill Cranes, 2004. 29 p.

Status and Harvests of Sandhill Cranes, 2004. 29 p.

Status and Harvests of Sandhill Cranes: Mid-Continent and Rocky Mountain Populations 2006. 2006. 31 p.

Status Assessments:   Cassin's Sparrow 2000. 112 p.      Cerulean Warbler.  2000. 154. p.  Double-crested Cormorant 2001. 377 p. Western Burrowing Owl 2003. 1120 p.

Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for the Western Burrowing Owl in the United States. Biological Technical Publication BTP-R6001-2003. 2003. 120 p.

Status of Ross's Geese.          
Status of the Double-creasted Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) in North America. 2001. 371 p.       

Strategies for Conservation of Avian Diversity in North America (MBMO) 1998. 

Swan, Trumpeter (Olor buccinator). Biologue series. 1995. 2 p.  For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Tower Site Evaluation Form, available in WordPerfect or Acrobat PDF format

Transcripts of the August 11, 1999 Workshop on Avian Mortality at Communication Towers, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, 1955-2005. 2005. 21 p.  

The Trouble with Towers: A Guide to Bird Collisions at
Communication Towers.
2005. 2 p.

Trumpeter swan see Swan, Trumpeter (Olor buccinator). Biologue series. 1995. 2 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Trumpeter Swan Population Status, 2000. 2000. 15 p.

Trumpeter Swan Survey of the Rocky Mountain Population. 2003. 29 p.

Update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan - Expanding the Vision. 1998. 32 pp. For copy call 1-800-344-WILD  (Booklet) 

Warbler see Kirtland's Warbler: Dendroica kirtlandii  1998  2 p.  278K For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Waterfowl 2000...the Plan's Newsletter. see Birdscapes

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Central Quebec. 2001. 9 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Maine and the Maritimes. 2001. 14 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Montana. 2001. 15 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for New York, Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. 2001. 11 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Northeastern Ontario. 2001. 7 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Northern Alberta, , Northeastern British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories. 2001. 14 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for South Dakota and North Dakota. 2001. 27 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Southern and Central Alberta.  2001. 24 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan River Delta. 2001. 16 p.

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for Southern Saskatchewan 2001. 16 p.

Waterfowl Hunting and Baiting. 2004. 16 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Waterfowl Management Handbook 1988.

Waterfowl Population Status, 2001. 2001. 51 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2002. 2002. 52 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2003. 2003. 54. p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2004. 2004. 54 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2005. 2005. 54 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2006. 2006. 61 p.

Waterfowl Production Survey for South Dakota and North Dakota. 2001. 25 p.

Waterfowl Production Survey for Southern Saskatchewan. 2001. 10 p.

Waterfowl Population Surveys: 50 Years and Still Counting. [2004]. 7 p.

Ways Citizens Can Contribute to Conservation of Wild Birds.  (MBMO)  2000.  2 p. 66K 

West Nile Virus: Sources of Information

What Exactly Is International Migratory Bird Day? 2005. 2 p.

When to Feed Birds in Alaska. 2002. 1 p.

Whooping Crane (Grus americana). Biologue Series. 1995. 2 p.

Whooping Crane Migration Routes and Nonessential Experimental Population Areas. [2001]. 1 p.

Whooping Cranes: The Road to Survival. 2005. 10 p.

Whooping Cranes see also Final Environmental Assessment Proposed Reintroduction of a Migratory Flock of Whooping Cranes in the Eastern United States. 2001. 91 p.

Wild Turkey Harvest Management: Biology, Strategies, and Techniques. 1999. 104 p.

Wildlife Fact Sheets - about wildlife, available online and from the Publications Unit at the National Conservation Training Center: For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Winged Ambassadors: Bird Conservation in the Caribbean. 1999.  2p. 664K 

Woodpecker see Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides Borealis). Biologue Series. 1995.   For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD


Last Updated: November 26, 2008
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