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Coming and going
could be a headache

Up to 2 million inaugural visitors may overflow Washington, D.C.'s public transit — and toilets. Full story

Image: Inaugural preparations
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  Obama visits volunteers, troops on King Day   |    Video
    Video:  Historic security
  Biden shushes wife after slip-up on 'Oprah'
Why wait? D.C. parties for inauguration   |    Video readers on
the scene

FirstPerson: users attending Barack Obama's inauguration events share their photos and thoughts. Full story

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Bus riders bring hopes, memories
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Slide shows
Alabama Obama Supporters Make Pilgrimage To Inauguration
Getty Images
Inaugural Preparations Around DC Ramp Up Days Away From Obama's Swearing-In
Getty Images
US President Elect Barak Obama and his wife Michelle at the "We Are One"  The Obama Inaugural Celebration
Pool via EPA
Australian Youth Olympic Festival: Day 5
Getty Images
Image: Joe Biden and Barack Obama aboard the whistle-stop tour
US Airways crash in New York City
Image: Ewan McGregor
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