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How the Google Model Could Help Detroit

Carmakers need to let go of their musty business models and start thinking like 21st century companies—like Google

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Featured Blog

We need people in power who know how best to create new institutions to deal with our new economic circumstances.

Bruce Nussbaum, NussbaumOnDesign

One hallmark of the World Economic Forum is the release of annual surveys that point to trends in global business. Not surprisingly, this year's crop is steeped in pessimism.

Diane Brady, Management IQ

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao defends his country's role in the financial crisis but gave a blunt assessment of his peers' performance.

Diane Brady, Management IQ

There's no hiding the disappointment at Davos that Washington doesn't have a bigger presence this year, even with an Administration that's barely a week into the job.

Diane Brady, Management IQ

Elena Ford, the granddaughter of Henry Ford II, has been winding her way through an assortment of jobs, much like her cousin, William Clay Ford Jr., did before becoming chairman and then CEO.

David Kiley, The Auto Beat

There's a giant dispute among macroeconomists about whether boosting spending and cutting taxes will help or hurt the private economy.

Michael Mandel, Economics Unbound

What are the fresh insights, bold thinking, and smart tactics that you're using at your company in these challenging times? We'd like to know for an upcoming project about game-changing management ideas.

Jena McGregor, Management IQ

Did your financial adviser preserve your wealth in 2008? Or perform so dismally that you are looking for a new investment maven—or even thinking of managing your money yourself?

Lauren Young, Investing Insights

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What Stores Do Wrong

Retail anthropologist Paco Underhill talks to BW's Susan Berfield about the mistakes stores make when they don't pay attention to customers

Business Outlook: James C. Cooper

How Bernanke's Policy of 'Credit Easing' Works

The Fed now has a three-pronged approach to infusing the financial system with capital


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Small Business Confidence Index

Experience a podcast and white paper on the attitudes and outlooks of today's small business owners.
December 2007/January 2008 Update

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News & Analysis

Economy Shrinks at 3.8% Pace in Q4

The Commerce Dept. figure shows the economy is sinking at a faster rate than in the previous quarter

Amazon's Amazing Quarter

The e-tailer crushed analyst expectations by snaring customers and snapping up market share as traditional merchants foundered

Obama Blasts Wall Street Bonuses

The President calls payouts as firms seek bailouts "the height of irresponsibility"

Turkish Anger at Davos

A dustup between Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli President Shimon Peres has some Turks vowing not to return to the World Economic Forum, says BW's Diane Brady

Grocery Stores Fight Back Against Food Prices

Safeway, Supervalu, and others are deploying more private-label goods, among other things, to outwit the likes of Kellogg and General Mills


Honda cuts profit forecast for fourth time this year, Japan's economy falls 9.6%, and more business news from around the Web


The Bank Bailout Is Broken

But the Obama Administration and Congress are starting to grapple with the enormity of the problems in the financial system

The Federal Bailout Hasn't Fixed Bank of America

The 'Bad Bank' Solution


Renewable-Energy Stocks' Time to Shine

Obama's focus on climate change should help lift the shares. Here are picks from managers of three socially responsible funds

Vital Signs: Job Losses Expected to Worsen

Top-Ranked Value Plays



A Field Day for Financial Cyber-Scammers

Upheaval at banks—and cutbacks in IT security—have created ideal conditions for theft

Weatherization Stimulus: Lots of It, Fast


Global Business

Russia's Lawyers Under Attack

Human rights advocates have long been targets in Russia. Now even corporate attorneys aren't safe

Dark Days for Japan's Chipmakers

Britain's New Bank Rescue Plan

Can the Old World Lead on Global Warming?


Marshall Goldsmith: Talent on Demand

A talk with human capital guru Peter Cappelli on a new and better way to manage talent

HBR's Breakthrough Ideas for 2009


Business Schools

Financial Woes Force B-School Cutbacks

Plunging endowments and reductions in state funding are leading to layoffs, salary freezes, even program shutdowns. And the worst is still to come

Chat Transcript: MBA Loan Crisis


Business Exchange

Track and share business topics across the Web.



The Debate Room

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Virtual Will Erase Face to Face

Forget hauling your briefcase to a stuffy convention. Online events are the best, most cost-effective places to exchange information. Pro or con?



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Reader Poke Writes:

"Broadband throttling has nothing to do with blocking illegal torrents…and everything to do with maintaining a monopoly."