The Left Handed DNA
Hall of Fame

- Tom Schneider


    version = 1.00 of leftyear2009.html 2009 Jan 09

    Our Story So Far: The story line, if you have not had time to follow the previous 694 or so entries (!) is my slow realization that earth is being invaded by left handed DNA people ...
    NOTE: I am currently NOT adding entries with images - too much else to do!! Please enjoy a visit to my web site and read my papers.

  1. host building of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine - Mexico has a nice 5 story left handed DNA. binoculars First reported on 2008 2009 Jan 9, new as of 2008 2009 Jan 9 (Thanks to S. Derkins, PhD,, for pointing this one out!)

For your first visit to the Left Handed Hall of Fame page I suggest that you follow the story over all of the years. After that you can look at each year individually from the table below. Note: just because a year has gone by does not mean we haven't found more examples for that year!

1997 and 1998 were bumper crop years
and 1999 beat them more than 2 fold. 2000 was a record year, thanks to help from friends around the world (60 of the 97 cases, 63%!). 2001 exceeded even that record! 2002 was lower - are we making headway?

Year Number of Left Handed DNAs
1964 1
... -
~1980 2
1978 1
1982 1
1983 2
... -
1989 3
1990 16 (5 from the Tessman letter)
1991 6
1992 5
1993 6
1994 4
1995 9
1996 31
1997 37
1998 37
1999 77
2000 97
2001 105
2002 57
2003 55
2004 55
2005 44 (minimizing images)
2006 17 (minimizing images)
2007 26 (no images, sorry)
2008 15 (no images, sorry)
2009 1 (no images, sorry)
All 710

Schneider Lab

updated: 2009Jan09.14:32:43