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NBN Blueprint
Appendix J

Examples of Ethics Oversight Groups

Genomics Collaborative, Inc., Bioethics Advisory Board

Genomics Collaborative, Inc. (GCI) is a commercial venture that provides consented DNA, RNA sera, and snap-frozen tissues linked to clinical information from donors worldwide in its GCI global repository. GCI empanelled a bioethics advisory board at the outset to develop solutions to the ethical issues inherent in creating a repository of this nature. The board played a significant role in creating a consent process for the repository, developing a proprietary system for making collections anonymous while still collecting longitudinal clinical data without compromising patient confidentiality.

Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study DNA Bank Ethics Oversight Committee

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), through the Cooperative Studies Program, supports a genetic tissue bank (Study 478, “Genetic Tissue Banking in VA Clinical Research”) for the collection of samples in ongoing clinical trials and the provision of samples for future study. The bank is overseen by three appointed committees that guide the ethical use of materials and provide scientific review of policies and procedures. The Ethics Oversight Committee (EOC), the Scientific Advisory Committee, and the Veterans Advisory Committee are both appointed by the VA Research and Development Office and serve overlapping terms. The EOC is made up of experts in the legal and ethical implications of genetic research, and experts in relevant scientific disciplines.

Ardais Bioethics Advisory Board

Ardais Corporation, a commercial clinical genomics company that maintains a sizable repository of annotated tissue samples, created a bioethics advisory board to oversee its human subjects activities. The board, comprised of legal, ethical, and technical experts, helps set policies for the ethical distribution of tissues but is not involved in the day-to-day operational aspects of decisionmaking or approval. The board also supports the evaluation of new opportunities for providing new clinical genomics products and services to the research community, each of which comes with unique sets of bioethical issues.


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International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories

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