The Left Handed DNA
Hall of Fame

Media Mentions

- Tom Schneider

  1. Welcome Science Readers!
    Listed in Science 13 November 1998: 282 (5392): 1223, NetWatch Hot Picks.

  2. This website was discussed in C. J. Welch "WebWatch: Flipping Over the Double Helix" Enantiomer 4: 487 (1999)

  3. Welcome Newsweek Readers!
    A letter from Donna Fox was published on 2000 April 22 mentioning the 2000 April 10 cover of Newsweek.

  4. Welcome Nature Readers!
    In response to a letter by Colin Porter about the recent publication "A double-take on nature's helix" (vol 405, 15 June 2000, page 737) Nature mentioned this web site.

  5. This website was mentioned in a correction by Chemical & Engineering News (Aug 14, 2000 CEN p. 8).

  6. In the column Blunt End by Meredith Salisbury "Chiral Cop" Genome Technology (March 2001, page 58)

  7. NRC Handelsblad, page 45, 20 January 2002, by Peter Vermij in the article "Fout DNA".

  8. Twist and Shout! The Double Helix Replicates Itself in Popular Culture by Amy Harmon, The New York Times, February 25, 2003.

  9. DNA and the meaning of life by Simon Mawer, Nature Genetics, volume 33, April 2003, pages 453-454.

  10. Welcome Science Readers!
    Listed in Science 2006 June 9: 312 (5779): 1467, DNA's Molecular Gymnastics, Elizabeth Pennisi

Schneider Lab

origin: 2000 July 24
updated: 2006 Jun 20