Where in the World ...

Map of the World: Robinson Projection

…is Count Dracula's castle?

In the Transylvania region of Romania. The castle where the historical Dracula was born still stands in the town of Sighisoara.

…is a whole country a desert?

There is a saying that Djibouti, in Africa, is “too hot for the devil.” It's a hot, dry, desert country where less than 1 square mile is farmland.

…would you go for a safari?

To Nairobi, Kenya, in Africa, the world's center for tourist safaris.

…can you find the Temple of the Tooth?

In Kandy, Sri Lanka, where Buddhists built a temple to honor Buddha's tooth. Every year great festivals are held here.

…does a country's government know who owns which trees?

In Oman, in the Mideast. Its date palms are so valuable, the country keeps a list of who owns which trees.

…can you ride with gauchos?

In South America, cowboys are known as gauchos. Argentina is one of the countries where gauchos herd sheep and cattle.

…was pizza first made?

Naples, Italy, is the home of the pizza. Neapolitan women first created pizza pies about 200 years ago.

…are there baby palaces?

In North Korea, nursery schools run by the government are called palaces.

…are the streets “paved” with water?

In Venice, Italy, the streets are canals, and the people move about on boats called gondolas.

…can you lead a double life?

Andorra, a country sandwiched between Spain and France, is ruled by co-princes, one Spanish, one French. There are two post offices, school systems, and courts.

…are the streets of the board game Monopoly?

You'll find Boardwalk, Park Place, Baltic Avenue, and all the rest in Atlantic City, N.J..

…would you go for a Nobel Prize?

Stockholm, Sweden, is the home of the Nobel Prize , which is awarded yearly to people who have made extraordinary contributions to world peace, the sciences, literature, and medicine. The Nobel Peace Prize is presented in Olso, Norway.

…is London Bridge?

The old granite bridge that was always falling down was taken apart in London, shipped to the U.S., and rebuilt in Arizona. A new concrete bridge was built in London.

…would you find the queen of Sheba's kingdom?

Yemen, in the Middle East, was once the kingdom of the queen of Sheba.

…is a shaky country?

New Zealanders call their country “shaky country” because about 400 earthquakes rock it yearly.

…can you throw snowballs across the equator?

In Ecuador, South America, a country named after the equator. It is the only country where both the temperature and the latitude reach zero. There are glaciers in the high mountains of this equatorial country.

…is King Arthur buried?

An ancient monastery in Glastonbury, England, is said to be the burial place of King Arthur and the sword Excalibur.

…is Sherwood Forest?

In Nottinghamshire, England. At one time it was the royal hunting grounds for the king of England; now it is under the protection of the British Forestry Commission.

…is the home of the yodel?

In the Swiss Alps, where cow herders first yodeled to call from the mountains to the meadows. Yodelerfests are held yearly in Engelberg, Switzerland.

…are Dorothy's ruby slippers?

The slippers worn by Judy Garland in the movie The Wizard of Oz are in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

…is the home of bullfights?

Seville, Spain, is known as the bullfighting capital of the world.

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