Iranian women attend a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the return from exile of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic republic, at Khomeini's mausoleum in Tehran on Saturday. Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images

Women's Movement Persists
In Iran, Despite Odds

Women's voices in Iran have been agents of change through politics, literature, religion and poetry even though women continue to be targets of persecution. And 30 years after the Iranian revolution swept away many of their freedoms, the women's movement continues to grow.


Some Oppose Giving Schools Slice Of Stimulus Pie

The economic stimulus package before the Senate contains nearly $160 billion of spending for education. But some legislators say that stimulus money should be spent in ways that directly create jobs.

No Violence Reported In Iraq Election

The results must be credible and power has to be transferred peacefully, however, before the vote can be declared a success.

Obama 'Confident'
In HHS Designate

Former Sen. Tom Daschle will likely be confirmed as health secretary despite his failure to pay $128,000 in taxes on time.


Don't Miss ...

Dev Patel, Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Image

'Slumdog' Actor On 'Living
The Dream'

Dev Patel is an 18-year-old with no formal acting experience.

Multi-colored bottles of wine. Credit:

Wines That Go Well
With Super Bowl Food

Aficionado Gary Vaynerchuk roots for vino for the big game. Even with chili.

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A baby rattle. Credit:

Octuplets Make 14 For Mom, Stirring Debate

Reports that the mother of octuplets born this week already had six children have raised eyebrows.

Jill Bamburg, a member of the faculty at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute, helped guide the budget-cutting process for the school. Credit: Bruce McGlenn

Business School Tests Its Own Philosophy

When an MBA program in the Seattle area cut staff, it set out to practice what it tries to teach.

Anne-Sophie Mutter CREDIT: Harald Hoffmann

Interviews & Profiles

Mutter's Immortal Mendelssohn

Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter makes a case for the music of Felix Mendelssohn on the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Harvey Pekar


Harvey Pekar Makes His Opera Debut

The comic book writer/social commentator Pekar and musician Dan Plonsey discuss Leave Me Alone.

Eric Nies. Photo: VH1

Monkey See

'Dating A Banker': Did The NYT Get Punked?

That story about the support group for women whose sugar daddies have been less sweet since the economy tanked? Our blogger's not buying it.

An IBM Model M keyboard. Credit: mkoukoullis via Flickr Creative Commons

Reporter's Notebook

An Ode To Clicky Keys

The Model M delivers the satisfying "click" that's missing from modern keyboards, Martin Kaste says.

Ken Rudin.

Political Junkie

Steele To Lead The Republican Party

Former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele is the first black to lead the GOP.


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