State of the Science

About This Site

Genitourinary Cancer
Ovarian Cancer

Gastrointestinal Cancer
Genitourinary Cancer
Lung Cancer

Welcome to the State of the Science website, where you will find audiovisual presentations and transcripts from State of the Science meetings, along with links to related information. A pilot project of the National Cancer Institute, these meetings usually are designed to encourage participants to:

  • Discuss obstacles to translating basic research into clinical practice
  • Identify critical questions that are of the highest priority for clinical investigation
  • Review the implications for design of phase III trials

State of the Science meetings are held at least annually in certain selected diseases. Each meeting focuses on a specific aspect of research in one disease and involves small groups of clinical and basic scientists with the relevant expertise from cancer centers, clinical trials Cooperative Groups, academic medical centers, industry, and advocacy organizations.

The presentations and recommendations are posted here shortly after each meeting to make them generally accessible, encourage education, and foster collaboration among professionals in the scientific community.

Natioanl Cancer InstituteFor more information about clinical trials restructuring at the National Cancer Institute,
please visit the CancerTrials website at or the
Cancer Treatment and Evaluation Program (CTEP) website at

For more information about cancer, please visit the National Cancer Institute’s website at