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National Clean Diesel Projects

Since 2000, EPA has awarded over 300 grants for diesel emission reduction projects nationwide through the National Clean Diesel Campaign. Awarded grants may include one or more projects. These projects are the result of grants awarded under two different funding authorities: the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) and the Clean Air Act.

Projects awarded in 2008 were funded through grants authorized by Title VII, Subtitle G (Sections 791 to 797) of the EPAct 2005. Under this authority EPA awards grants on a competitive basis for implementation projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions that improve air quality and protect public health. It is expected that future funding will continue to fall under the authority of EPAct 2005.

Clean Diesel Projects that received competitive grant funding between 2000 and 2007 were authorized by Section 103 of the Clean Air Act as demonstration projects. Chosen demonstration projects were judged to provide reductions in diesel emissions and improvements in air quality while serving as valuable models for future clean diesel projects.

The SmartWay Transport Partnership is one component of the National Clean Diesel Campaign. SmartWay is a voluntary partnership between various freight industry sectors and EPA that establishes incentives for fuel efficiency improvements and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

2000-2007 NCDC Grant Program Projects
(Demonstration Projects)

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